Originally published in 1975, and long out of print, this classic horror anthology sees a first reprint in over forty years. This anthology features ten macabre short stories by such horror masters as Ramsey Campbell, Brian Lumley, Joseph Payne Brennan and David A. Riley. «The Nightingale Floors» were part of a crumbling Chicago museum and only the brave or the foolish ventured there after dark. The building had a weird history — and no night watchman stayed there long… Winnie was «The Prefect Lady» and Rupert loved every little bit of her. But when the neighbours saw her at close quarters, panic spread through Lavender Hill… «Aunt Hester» had strange powers. Her...
HORRORS GALORE! “Wagner has done his work well, and DAW deserves the thanks of horror readers, and librarians catering to them, for keeping this anthology going, its price low, and its quality high”. So comments the American Library Association’s Booklist about this series, and this latest volume will uphold their estimate. Once again Karl Edward Wagner has probed the horror tales of the past year and come up with a headsman’s basket of spine-chilling goodies. Among the authors you will find: Ramsey Campbell, Dennis Etchison, Michael Kube-McDowell, Manly Wade Wellman, M. John Harrison, Sheila Hodgson, and many more. All sure to give you the willies! Don’t try reading them...