Антология остросюжетных детективных романов различных авторов. Содержание: Подвал (Наташа Престон) Смертельные ошибки (Аллен Уайлер) Молчи (Кейт Уайт) Обгоняя смерть (Тим Уивер) Кровные связи (Дэн Уоделл) Кристаль (Поль-Франсуа Уссон)
When a top secret programme of implanting harrowing memories into innocent people comes to light, neurosurgeon Tom McCarthy is literally caught in the crossfire. Whilst McCarthy looks forward to a three day weekend, his office is suddenly raided by two Department of Defense investigators bent on arresting him for a crime he didn't commit. All hell breaks loose when an inadvertent scuffle escalates, leaving one agent dead at the hands of the other, and McCarthy fleeing, but hopelessly trapped inside the labyrinthine corridors, heating ducts, and stairways of a gigantic Seattle Medical Centre. With the CIA and Seattle PD closing in, McCarthy unwittingly pulls Dr. Sarah Hamilton into the fray....
"A thriller that only a doctor could have written. Wyler's sense of the worlds of the hospital and operating room are unsurpassed. You'll feel as if you are right there." - Michael Palmer Brain surgeon Allen Wyler writes a medical thriller on the bleeding edge of new-millennium hospital technology B rain surgeon Dr. Tyler Matthews suspects that something is murderously wrong with the hospital's new computerized medical records system.Doctors and nurses are making preventable errors that are killing patients-and threaten many more: - A comatose man is given a fatal dose of insulin even though he isn't diabetic. - An ulcer patient dies of shock after receiving a transfusion-of the wrong...
"This is the stuff nightmares are made of." - Joseph Finder While speaking at a Hong Kong medical conference, neurosurgeon Dr. Lucas McCrae slips the cloth off a cadaver's head during a routine medical demonstration, and is overwhelmed with the shock by what's staring back at him: His best friend, Andy Baer. Stunned, McCrae races back to Seattle to discover that Andy is in fact missing and may have been murdered by a gang of body snatchers who operate a legit funeral business and make a fortune by selling recovered body parts to medical researchers. McCrae teams up with an unlikely pair - a beautiful but hard nosed female cop and a gang member whose family was victimized by the body...
World renowned neurosurgeon Jon Ritter is on the verge of a medical breakthrough that will change the world. His groundbreaking surgical treatment, using transplanted non-human stem cells, is set to eradicate the scourge of Alzheimer's disease and give hope to millions. But when the procedure is slated for testing, it all comes to an abrupt and terrifying halt. Ritter's colleague is gunned down and Ritter himself is threatened by a radical anti-abortion group that not only claims responsibility, but promises more of the same. Faced with a dangerous reality but determined to succeed, Ritter turns to his long-time colleague, corporate biotech CEO Richard Stillman, for help. Together, they...
Принято считать, что даже самый изощренный маньяк-убийца не может придумать ничего нового. Это не так. Время не стоит на месте — и «высокое искусство» немотивированного убийства следует за ним. Но опытный врач Тайлер Мэтьюс подозревает: компьютерная программа, цель которой — спасти тысячи людей, стала игрушкой в руках циничного преступника…