В книгу вошли стихотворения английских поэтов эпохи королевы Виктории (XIX век). Всего 57 поэтов, разных по стилю, школам, мировоззрению, таланту и, наконец, по их значению в истории английской литературы. Их творчество представляет собой непрерывный процесс развития английской поэзии, начиная с эпохи Возрождения, и особенно заметный в исключительно важной для всех поэтических душ теме – теме любви. В этой книге читатель встретит и знакомые имена: Уильям Блейк, Джордж Байрон, Перси Биши Шелли, Уильям Вордсворт, Джон Китс, Роберт Браунинг, Альфред Теннисон, Алджернон Чарльз Суинбёрн, Данте Габриэль Россетти, Редьярд Киплинг, Оскар Уайльд, а также поэтов малознакомых или незнакомых совсем....
В книгу вошли сказки, созданные английскими писателями XIX–XX вв. Наряду с известными авторами в сборнике представлено творчество писателей, ранее незнакомых советскому читателю. Большинство произведений публикуется на русском языке впервые.
Четвёртая в серии цветных сборников Эндрю Лэнга, «Жёлтая книга сказок» под красочной обложкой таит русские, французские, венгерские, исландские и даже индейские сказки. Увлекательные истории о принцах и принцессах, ведьмах, феях и драконах были собраны воедино и переведены на английский Эндрю Лэгом и собратьями по перу, а для русского читателя их с доблестью перевела Юлия Фокина. По традиции неповторимые иллюстрации к сборнику были созданы Генри Джастисом Фордом.
This book holds some of the folktales form the Arabian Nights Entertainments.Selected and edited by Andrew Lang, these folktales are simplified and shortened, making them more suitable for children.
The twelfth in Andrew Lang's Fairy Book series containing 33 tales from Portugal, Ireland, Wales and points East and West, among them "The Brown Bear of Norway," "The Enchanted Deer," "The Story of a Very Bad Boy," and "The Brownie of the Lake". First published in 1910 and includes 51 illustrations.
The Olive Fairy Book contains eight Punjabi tales, five from Armenia, 16 other stories from Turkey, Denmark, the Sudan, and more. An enchanting world of flying dragons, ogres, fairies, and princes transformed into white foxes with illustrations by H.J. Ford.
In this volume there are stories from the natives of Rhodesia, collected by Mr. Fairbridge, who speaks the native language, and one is brought by Mr. Cripps from another part of Africa, Uganda. Three tales from the Punjaub were collected and translated by Major Campbell. Various savage tales, which needed a good deal of editing, are derived from the learned pages of the 'Journal of the Anthropological Institute.' With these exceptions, and 'The Magic Book,' translated by Mrs. Pedersen, from 'Eventyr fra Jylland,' by Mr. Ewald Tang Kristensen (Stories from Jutland), all the tales have been done, from various sources, by Mrs. Lang, who has modified, where it seemed desirable, all the...
The stories in this Fairy Book come from all quarters of the world. For example, the adventures of 'Ball-Carrier and the Bad One' are told by Red Indian grandmothers to Red Indian children who never go to school, nor see pen and ink. 'The Bunyip' is known to even more uneducated little ones, running about with no clothes at all in the bush, in Australia. You may see photographs of these merry little black fellows before their troubles begin, in 'Northern Races of Central Australia,' by Messrs. Spencer and Gillen. They have no lessons except in tracking and catching birds, beasts, fishes, lizards, and snakes, all of which they eat. But when they grow up to be big boys and girls, they are...
Each Fairy Book demands a preface from the Editor, and these introductions are inevitably both mono-tonous and unavailing. A sense of literary honesty compels the Editor to keep repeating that he is the Editor, and not the author of the Fairy Tales, just as a distinguished man of science is only the Editor, not the Author of Nature. Like nature, popular tales are too vast to be the creation of a single modern mind. The Editor's business is to hunt for collections of these stories told by peasant or savage grandmothers in many climes, from New Caledonia to Zululand; from the frozen snows of the Polar regions to Greece, or Spain, or Italy, or far Lochaber. When the tales are found they are...
For this collection, Andrew Lang gathered African, Scandinavian, Egyptian and even Babylonian stoires. While they may not be familiar to you, they are an excellent insight into various cultures, to show that despite our skin color, we all share similar belief systems and family values.