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Supercute Futures


Mox and Mitsu are Supercute. They founded the global business Supercute Enterprises as teenagers, armed only with a phone, a collection of their favourite cuddly toys and a love of all things kawaii. Thanks to them, the Supercute aesthetic is now a way of life. In a world dominated by massive conglomerates, Supercute has continued to grow bigger and more powerful, morphing from an entertainment company to a ruthless organisation fighting for their right to the world's water. Now Mox and Mitsu face a choice. In a world that is tearing itself apart, who will win in the battle for ultimate control - and where will Supercute draw the line . . .

Tank Girl


Tank Girl is a novelization of the 1995 film of the same name, written by Martin Millar. It is set in a drought-ravaged Australia, years after a catastrophic impact event, and follows the antihero Tank Girl as she, Jet Girl and genetically modified supersoldiers called the Rippers fight Water and Power, an oppressive corporation led by Kesslee.

Supercute Second Future


Mox and Mitsu, owners of Supercute, have millions of dedicated fans all over the world. Supercute has grown into one of the world's largest and most powerful conglomerates. They now own their own weapons company and their London headquarters is protected by an advanced array of drones and missiles. Despite this, they're in danger again. An international force of hostile consortiums, armed mercenaries and artificial intelligences is conspiring to bring them down. Mox and Mitsu would much rather concentrate on their cute clothes and toys but once more they're obliged to fight to survive in their ruined, flooded, irradiated future.

Thraxas Meets His Enemies


Book twelve in the Thraxas series. – 'Sources at the Palace indicate that a very large sum of money in the form of gold bullion has disappeared from the Palace vaults. This was earmarked for the purchase of food and is a terrible loss to a city already on the brink of starvation. The whole affair smacks of corruption at the highest levels. Our revered War Leader Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, is of course beyond suspicion but the sad truth is she's surrounded by a coterie of very dubious characters including assassins, degenerate sorcerers, half-Orcish ruffians and several shady figures from the lower depths of Turanian society. Our readers will be amazed to learn that among these figures...

Фракс Турайский


Написание следующей книги о Фраксе заняло у меня гораздо больше времени, чем я планировал. Не знаю почему. Я не хотел, чтобы Фракс долго возвращался в Турай, но написание книги шло медленно. Были периоды, когда я, казалось, вообще не мог добиться какого–либо прогресса. Хотя раньше каждая следующая книга о Фраксе давалась мне лучше чем предыдущая. Тем не менее, Фракс наконец достиг стен Турая. В сопровождении Макри и вместе с армией, возглавляемой Лисутаридой, все, что он должен сделать — это отвоевать город у орков. Он сможет снова поселиться в своей комнате в Секире Мщения перед ревущим пламенем очага с кружкой пива в руке. Ему пришлось нелегко. Будучи молодым войном, он вдоволь...

Thraxas of Turai


Thraxas of Turai is the eleventh book in the series. Thraxas, perhaps the doughtiest warrior ever born within that city's walls, (as he describes himself) is almost home. The army led by Lisutaris reaches Turai, ready to retake their city. Thraxas begins the book in some trouble, having been flung in the stockade following a disreputable brawl, but will soon be back in action, investigating a politically awkward murder while making ready for battle. At his side is Makri, whose mathematical skills are called upon for some complicated sorcerous calculations designed to bring down the walls. There are dragons in the sky, hostile forces ahead, and, worst of all as far as Thraxas is concerned, a...

Фракс. Том 2


Романы с шестого по десятый из цикла «Фракс».

Фракс. Том 1


Первые пять романов из цикла «Фракс».

Приключения Фракса


Город Турай, в котором и происходят события этих историй, сильно смахивает на современный мегаполис, перенесенный в мир фэнтези-средневековья, с сохранением всех современных проблем: наркомания, расизм, феминизм, коррупция, грязная политика и т. д. В этом городе живет частный детектив по имени Фракс, толстяк и пьяница, азартный игрок и настолько слабый волшебник, насколько это вообще возможно. И тем не менее, он чаще всего ухитряется распутывать самые сложные дела. Сборник содержит все переведнные на русский язык повести: Фракс-ловкач, Фракс и монахи-воины, Фракс и гонки колесниц, Фракс и Эльфийские острова, Фракс и чародеи, Фракс и пляска смерти, Фракс на войне, Фракс в осаде, Фракс и...

The Goddess of Buttercups and Daisies


Set in ancient Athens, The Goddess of Buttercups and Daisies is the new book from the celebrated author of The Good Fairies of New York and the Kalix Werewolf series. This is Martin Millar at his best, gently poking fun while tugging at our heart strings, surprising us with sudden and sharp insights into the life of the outsider. It comes complete with a struggling playwright (a little-known bloke called Aristophanes), excess cavorting, an assortment of divinities, the odd Amazon and some truly execrable poetry. Fans of Kalix, here you will find no laudanum but a lot of drinking. No carnage, but plenty of intrigue and danger. And humour (of course). And a love story. And a few very...