Найдено: 27

Индийский ноктюрн


Безымянный герой отправляется в чарующее путешествие по Индии, чтобы найти пропавшего друга. Поиски заведут его в сомнительного рода гостиницу, португальский монастырь и теософское общество. А к концу путешествия выяснится реальная причина этой поездки. Роман, экранизированный в 1989 году Аленом Корно, издается на русском впервые, к сорокалетию первой публикации книги. Антонио Табукки – всемирно известный автор, его книги удостоены множественных премий, мировую славу ему принес роман «Утверждает Перейра». В 1987 году «Индийский ноктюрн» был признан во Франции лучшим иностранным романом, удостоен «Премии Медичи» и экранизирован в 1989 году режиссером Аленом Корно. Фильм «Индийский ноктюрн»...

Утверждает Перейра


Антонио Табукки (р. 1945) — итальянский писатель, специалист по португальской литературе. Книга «Утверждает Перейра» принесла автору мировую известность. Роман получил четыре итальянские премии, был экранизирован (в главной роли — М. Мастрояни). Коллизия романа, но существу, близка советской истории: действие происходит в фашистской Португалии в 1938 г. Кажущаяся простота сюжета и слога повествования оттеняет изысканное композиционное построение «этих свидетельских показаний».

Из сборника «Девушка в тюрбане»


The Edge of the Horizon


Late on night, the body of a young man is delivered to the morgue of an Italian town. The next day's newspapers report that he was killed in a police raid, and that went by the obviously false name "Carlo Nobodi." Spino, the morgue attendant on duty at the time, becomes obsessed with tracing the identity of the corpse. "Why do you want to know about him?" asks a local priest. "Because he is dead and I'm alive," replies Spino. In this spare yet densely packed cautionary tale, Tabucchi reminds us that it is impossible to reach the edge of the horizon since it always recedes before us, but suggests that some people "carry the horizon with them in their eyes."

Девушка в тюрбане


Сборник включает произведения прозаиков, достигших в Италии популярности в последние десятилетия и совсем незнакомых советскому читателю. Повести и рассказы Стефано Бенни, Джузеппе Конте, Марты Мораццони, Антонио Табукки и Джанни Челати отмечены многообразием тем и богатством художественной палитры.

The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro


Antonio Tabucchi's new novel The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro continues the experiment so successfully begun with his Pereira Declares (New Directions, 1994) — a European best-seller and winner of the prestigious Aristeion European Literature Prize in 1997. Tabucchi has now written a thriller, but one with a subtle intellectual depth not usual in that genre. The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro intriguingly reflects on current social issues: crime, police corruption, yellow journalism, and the courts — both of the law and of public opinion. Tabucchi hooks the reader on page one of this book and the story advances with electric and unflagging suspense. A gypsy discovers a headless...

The Woman of Porto Pim


"Triumphs of nuance and suggestion." — Chicago Tribune "Ruminative, elegiac, and mordantly funny, Tabucchi's prose conjures a state between waking and dreaming." — The New York Times From "A Whale's View of Man": Always so feverish, and with those long limbs waving about. Not rounded at all, so they don't have the majesty of complete, rounded shapes sufficient unto themselves, but little moving heads where all their strange life seems to be concentrated. They arrive sliding across the sea, but not swimming, as if they were birds almost, and they bring death with frailty and graceful ferocity. . Sometimes they sing, but only for themselves, and their song isn't a call to others,...

Tristano Dies: A Life


It is a sultry August at the very end of the twentieth century, and Tristano is dying. A hero of the Italian Resistance, Tristano has called a writer to his bedside to listen to his life story, though, really, “you don’t tell a life…you live a life, and while you’re living it, it’s already lost, has slipped away.” Tristano Dies, one of Antonio Tabucchi’s major novels, is a vibrant consideration of love, war, devotion, betrayal, and the instability of the past, of storytelling, and what it means to be a hero.

Requiem: A Hallucination


In this enchanting and evocative novel, Antonio Tabucchi takes the reader on a dream-like trip to Portugal, a country he is deeply attached to. He spent many years there as director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Lisbon. He even wrote Requiem in Portuguese; it had to be translated into Italian for publication in his native Italy. Requiem's narrator has an appointment to meet someone on a quay by the Tagus at twelve. But, it turns out, not twelve noon, twelve midnight, so he has a long time to while away. As the day unfolds, he has many encounters — a young junky, a taxi driver who is not familiar with the streets, several waiters, a gypsy, a cemetery keeper, the mysterious Isabel,...