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НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Выпуск 17


[b]ИЗ ИЗДАНИЯ:[/b] Очередной сборник научной фантастики включает в себя переводные произведения зарубежных фантастов на медицинские и биологические темы. В книгу включены рассказы Р. Брэдбери, У. Тенна, М. Коуни, С. Корнблата и других писателей. Иллюстрация на обложке и внутренние иллюстрации Д. Утенкова. [collapse collapsed title=Содержание] Всеволод Ревич. От каких болезней лечит фантастика? (предисловие), стр. 3-6 Роберт Блок. Во веки веков — и да будет так! (рассказ, перевод Е. Вансловой), стр. 7-24 Майкл Коуни. Р/26/5/ПСИ и я (рассказ, перевод Е. Вансловой), стр. 24-40 Примо...

Kosmosa tirgoņi (Operācija "Venēra")


Frederiks Pols, Sirils M. Kornblūts Kosmosa tirgoņi (Operācija "Venēra") sērija Fantastikas pasaulē IZDEVNIECĪBA «ZINĀTNE» RĪGĀ 1968 No angļu valodas tulkojuši Maija Andersone un V. Jansevičs Mākslinieks o. Mednis Mūsu planētas iedzīvotā­jiem uz Zemes kļuvis par šauru, tāpēc cilvēku skatieni pievērsti Venērai. Tā sola daudzas priekšrocības un ienesīgus peļņas avotus, un starp divām ASV reklāmas aģentūrām izvēršas sacen­sība par Venēras izmanto­šanas pirmtiesībām. Būtībā tā ir nevis sacensība, bet kapitālismam parastā nesau­dzīgā un netīrā konkurences cīņa. Notikumu virpulī tiek ierauts arī augstākās kate­gorijas reklāmas darbinieks Mets Ransteds, kuru cenšas...

The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 7

The Year's Greatest Science Fiction & Fantasy 2

Space Dreadnoughts


Massive and arrogant, they patrol the final war zone - deep space. All great battleships before them - the celebrated fleet of the Spanish Armada, the mighty gunboats of the British Navy - are mere toys in comparision. In their armoured bellies swarm battalions of soldiers. Their flanks bristle with high-tech artillery. They are perfectly equipped to deliver their payload: Death. Now, the masters of science fiction present their most awesome visions of future warfare. A stunning collection of the ultimate war machines by such acclaimed writters as Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, David Drake, Algis Budrys, Eric Frank Russell, C.M. Kornbluth, Poul Anderson, J.F. Bone, and Jack Williamson....

Einstein's Planetoid


They were the heirs of space-flight: They planned to be the first humans to land on Alpha Centauri, but the original Hartnett expedition had been lost and they had to find it first. They followed the signals and found that they led to what looked like a one-way excursion to the screwiest planetoid in the galaxy!

Callistan Tomb



Penguin paperback, 1979 printing. Something of a minor sf classic, by the heralded team of Pohl and Kornbluth. First serialized in Galaxy Science Fiction, October and November 1957. The Earth has been torn away from the Sun, kidnapped by a runaway planet , whose inhabitants - enigmatic, utterly alien Pyramids - have their own plans for Earth's resources. And humankind, depending for warmth on a constantly renewed but woefully inadequate Moon, wracked by hunger and ruled by a slavish conformity to tradition, is dying out. But there are those who defy convention and refuse to give in. Feared and persecuted by the ordinary citizens, these 'Wolves' are preparing to fight back against the...

The Wonder Effect


Collection of stories by these masters of science fiction. Introduction by Pohl, and these STORIES: Critical Mass (1962); A Gentle Dying (1961); Nightmare with Zeppelins (1958); Best Friend (1941); The World of Myrion Flowers (1961); Trouble in Time (1940); The Engineer (1956); Mars-Tube (1941); The Quaker Cannon (1961). **

Search the Sky


Search the Sky is a satirical science fiction novel written by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth and first published in 1954 by Ballantine Books. What is the fate of the colonists who went out from Earth to settle the far planets beyond our universe? Space-ships have been unable to evoke radar responses from these planets, and in a novel as well-written as it is ingenious, one man starts out from Halsey's Planet to find the answer. If there is one.