Найдено: 12

В малом жанре


Несколько рассказов известной современной американской писательницы Лидии Дэвис. Артистизм автора и гипертрофированное внимание, будто она разглядывает предметы и переживания через увеличительное стекло, позволяют писательнице с полуоборота перевоплощаться в собаку, маниакального телезрителя, девушку на автобусной станции, везущую куда-то в железной коробке прах матери… Перевод с английского Е. Суриц. Рассказ монгольской писательницы Цэрэнтулгын Тумэнбаяр «Шаманка» с сюжетом, образностью и интонациями, присущими фольклору. Перевод С. Эрдэмбилэга. В двух рассказах венгра Ласло Дарвиши (1962) последствия людских прегрешений очень впечатляют — за них расплачиваются совершенно...

Что-то со мной не так (сборник)


Проза Лидии Дэвис совершенно не укладывается в привычные рамки и кому-то может показаться причудливой или экстравагантной. Порой ее рассказы лишены сюжета, а иногда и вовсе представляют собой литературные миниатюры, состоящие лишь из нескольких фраз. Однако как бы эксцентрична ни была форма, которую Дэвис выбирает для своих произведений, и какими бы странными ни выглядели ее персонажи, проза эта необычайно талантлива и психологически достоверна, а в персонажах, при всей их нетривиальности, мы в глубине души угадываем себя.

New American Stories


Ben Marcus, one of the most innovative and vital writers of this generation, delivers a stellar anthology of the best short fiction being written today in America. In New American Stories, the beautiful, the strange, the melancholy, and the sublime all comingle to show the vast range of the American short story. In this remarkable anthology, Ben Marcus has corralled a vital and artistically singular crowd of contemporary fiction writers. Collected here are practitioners of deep realism, mind-blowing experimentalism, and every hybrid in between. Luminaries and cult authors stand side by side with the most compelling new literary voices. Nothing less than the American short story...

The Cows


"You read Lydia Davis to watch a writer patiently divide the space between epiphany and actual human beings by first halves, then quarters, then eighths, and then sixteenths, into infinity," says The Village Voice. Indeed, Lydia Davis is mathematician, philosopher, sculptor, jeweler, and scholar of the minute. Few writers map the process of thought as well as she, few perceive with such charged intelligence. The Cows is a close study of the three much-loved cows that live across the road from her. The piece, written with understated humor and empathy, is a series of detailed observations of the cows on different days and in different positions, moods, and times of the day. It could be...

Лучшее от McSweeney's, том 1


«McSweeney’s» — ежеквартальный американский литературный альманах, основанный в 1998 г. для публикации альтернативной малой прозы. Поначалу в «McSweeney’s» выходили неформатные рассказы, отвергнутые другими изданиями со слишком хорошим вкусом. Однако вскоре из маргинального и малотиражного альманах превратился в престижный и модный, а рассказы, публиковавшиеся в нём, завоевали не одну премию в области литературы. И теперь ведущие писатели США соревнуются друг с другом за честь увидеть свои произведения под его обложкой. В итоговом сборнике «Лучшее от McSweeney's» вы найдете самые яркие, вычурные и удивительные новеллы из первых десяти выпусков альманаха. В книгу вошло 27 рассказов,...

The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis


Lydia Davis is one of our most original and influential writers. She has been called “an American virtuoso of the short story form” (Salon) and “one of the quiet giants. . of American fiction” (Los Angeles Times Book Review). Now, for the first time, Davis’s short stories will be collected in one volume, from the groundbreaking Break It Down (1986) to the 2007 National Book Award nominee Varieties of Disturbance. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis is an event in American letters.

Varieties of Disturbance


Lydia Davis has been called “one of the quiet giants in the world of American fiction” (Los Angeles Times), “an American virtuoso of the short story form” (Salon), an innovator who attempts “to remake the model of the modern short story” (The New York Times Book Review). Her admirers include Grace Paley, Jonathan Franzen, and Zadie Smith; as Time magazine observed, her stories are “moving. . and somehow inevitable, as if she has written what we were all on the verge of thinking.” In Varieties of Disturbance, her fourth collection, Davis extends her reach as never before in stories that take every form from sociological studies to concise poems. Her subjects include the five senses,...

Can't and Won't: Stories


A new collection of short stories from the writer Rick Moody has called “the best prose stylist in America”. Her stories may be literal one-liners: the entirety of “Bloomington” reads, “Now that I have been here for a little while, I can say with confidence that I have never been here before.” Or they may be lengthier investigations of the havoc wreaked by the most mundane disruptions to routine: in “A Small Story About a Small Box of Chocolates,” a professor receives a gift of thirty-two small chocolates and is paralyzed by the multitude of options she imagines for their consumption. The stories may appear in the form of letters of complaint; they may be extracted from Flaubert’s...

The End of the Story


Mislabeled boxes, problems with visiting nurses, confusing notes, an outing to the county fair-such are the obstacles in the way of the unnamed narrator of The End of the Story as she attempts to organize her memories of a love affair into a novel. With compassion, wit, and what appears to be candor, she seeks to determine what she actually knows about herself and her past, but we begin to suspect, along with her, that given the elusiveness of memory and understanding, any tale retrieved from the past must be fiction.

Samuel Johnson Is Indignant


From one of our most imaginative and inventive writers, a crystalline collection of perfectly modulated, sometimes harrowing and often hilarious investigations into the multifaceted ways in which human beings perceive each other and themselves. A couple suspects their friends think them boring; a woman resolves to see herself as nothing but then concludes she's set too high a goal; and a funeral home receives a letter rebuking it for linguistic errors.