Найдено: 4

Siege of Lightning


AMERICA'S SPACE PROGRAM HAS BEEN SABOTAGED. The Martian and Apollo 13 meet Tom Clancy in this gripping scientific thriller. Years before NASA planned to travel to Mars, and before the International Space Station ever reached orbit, the future of America's space program hung in the balance… In this exciting alternate-history novel, the technicians at NASA hoped to create a fail-safe shuttle in the wake of the CHALLENGER disaster. With the brand-new space shuttle LIGHTNING, all systems were go… Then lightning struck twice. SIEGE OF LIGHTNING America's greatest technological achievement has been sabotaged. First an engine malfunctions. Then, another....

Ashes of Victory


From the New York Times best-selling author of DEFCON One, Joe Weber, and R. J. Pineiro, the acclaimed author of Without Mercy, comes a new novel of global terrorism and international conflict. The unthinkable has happened. The United States is under attack. From the sea and the sky, the devastating attacks come, crippling the US military’s ability to respond. Thousands have been killed and injured. For President Cord Macklin, this is the greatest challenge of his life. Greater than risking his life in the skies over Vietnam and greater than guiding the country through some of the most trying times in its history. But none has been more trying than this. Below the sea, a...



As the world moves into the next millennium, the United States finds itself at the forefront of this new age, policing not only its own shores but the rest of the world as well. And spearheading this overwatch are the men and women of America's armed forces, the "troops on the wall," who will go anywhere, anytime, and do whatever it takes to protect not only our nation but the rest of the free world. Now, for the first time, Combat brings the best military-fiction authors together to reveal how war will be fought in the twenty-first century. From the down and dirty "ground-pounders" of the U.S. Armored Cavalry to the new frontiers of warfare, including outer space and the Internet, ten...

Обсадата на Лайтнинг


Дали катастрофата с американската космическа совалка „Чалънджър“ е нещастен случай, или саботаж? Убийството на един ракетен специалист предизвиква ЦРУ да се намеси и пренася космическата надпревара на Земята, където в нея се включват тайните служби… „Пинейро е новият Майкъл Крайтън“ казват литературните критици. Зад вратите на Белия дом… — Господа — започна президентът, — искам да се извиня, че ви вдигам от сън в такова време, но Том ми се обади преди час с доста тревожна информация. Отнася се за бъдещето на НАСА. По-нататък имаш думата ти, Том. Пруит си пое въздух. — Благодаря Ви, господин президент. Господа, вие всички вече сте осведомени за проблемите, с които се сблъсква в...