КНИГА ПЕРВАЯ. Антология представляет собой своеобразный путеводитель по новым (и не очень) писателям, работающим в детективном жанре. В этой, первой, книге вы можете ознакомиться с твочеством сорока двух популярных авторов, каждый из которых представлен полновесным романом-бестселлером. Большинство произведений, вошедших в этот сборник, относятся к разряду «До 16» и категорически не рекомендуются для детского чтения! Сборка: Diximir (YouTube).
Обычный американец Том тринадцать лет провел в тюрьме — за убийство, которого не совершал. Теперь доказательства его невиновности наконец-то найдены, — и он выходит на свободу… чтобы бесследно исчезнуть несколько месяцев спустя. Психоаналитик Алан Грегори, чьим пациентом был Том, начинает собственное расследование. Он помнит, что Том постоянно твердил, что за ним кто-то следит… Паранойя? Бред психически больного? Или — мольба о помощи человека, который слишком много знает?
Emmę Spire zna cała Ameryka. Jej zdjęcie ukazuje się we wszystkich gazetach. Paparazzi śledzą każdy jej krok. Dziewczyna chroni się sprzed znienawidzoną popularnością w spokojnym Boulder w Kolorado. Ale to miasto okazuje się miejscem śmiertelnie niebezpiecznym. Dla niej i dla psychologa Alana Greegory'ego, który musi rozwiązać zagadkę szokującej zbrodni.
Bohaterami "Białej śmierci" Stephena White'a (autora thrillerów psychologicznych) jest małżeństwo – doktor Alan Gregory (psycholog) i Lauren Crowder (prokurator). Państwo Gregorowie zostają poproszeni przez organizację Locard o pomoc w odnalezieniu sprawcy zabójstwa sprzed 10 lat. Zostały wtedy zamordowane dwie 16 – letnie dziewczynki – Tami Franklin i Mariko Hamamoto. Zadaniem doktora jest stworzenie portretów psychologicznych dziewcząt. Pomóc ma mu w tym rozmowa z psychologiem Raymondem Wellem, u którego Tami odbyła psychoterapię. Pan Well nie jest jednak skory do szczerej rozmowy… Bohater odbywa także rozmowy z rodzicami i bratem Tami oraz młodszą siostrą Mariko. Dowiaduje się...
An elite club of quirky criminologists asks psychologist Alan Gregory and his pregnant wife, Assistant District Attorney Lauren Crowder, to help solve a ten-year-old case. Whites shrewd mystery, the eighth and best in the series since Remote Control (1997), doubles as an engrossing catalogue of lonely misfits and aging oddballs for whom the murder of two teenaged girls becomes a metaphor for their own inability to put their pasts behind them. The girls disappear one night in 1988 after visiting the ranch of Boulder, Colorado, psychotherapist and talk-radio host Raymond Welle. Several months later, their mutilated corpses are discovered many miles away in a melting snowdrift. Sheriff Phil...
The stakes have just been raised for psychologist Alan Gregory: His friend and fellow therapist Hannah Grant has died at the office, mysteriously and suddenly. The police are baffled, leaving another apparent homicide unsolved in Boulder, Colorado. Only Alan has the means to decipher Hannah’s clues, a quest that will take him to Las Vegas and lead him to question the integrity of those closest to him. The clock is ticking as Alan tracks one of Hannah’s most elusive patients; has she been kidnapped, or is she a runaway? The answers to both cases may be locked in the mind of a patient he has been treating for a schizoid personality disorder. In a maze of dilemmas that could cost him his...
From Publishers Weekly When can a psychologist go to the police about a client without violating the doctor/patient contract? Boulder psychologist Alan Gregory, veteran of nine previous White suspense novels, wrestles with this dilemma in White's latest top-flight thriller. Neurotic Naomi Bigg seeks help when she suspects her high school son, Paul, plans to avenge his sister's rape and his father's murder conviction for killing the rapist, who was let off on a technicality. Paul's best friend, Ramp, an explosives fanatic, lost his mother to a paroled rapist/murderer and has his own list of targets. Alan's erratic sessions with Naomi begin to unnerve him when he picks up hints of a...
When teenager Merrit Strait is admitted to hospital following an attempted suicide, psychologist Alan Gregory takes on the case. Meanwhile Merrit's sister lies in hospital near death where only experimental treatment might save her. When a body is found, evidence mounts implicating Merrit.
Amazon.com Review Boulder psychologist Alan Gregory hasn't seen former patient Gibbs Storey since she and her husband were in marriage counseling with him almost a decade ago. So when she walks into his office with a startling declaration-that she believes her husband murdered at least one woman, and may be planning to kill more-Gregory finds himself on the horns of a dilemma that's not just professional but personal as well: He can't reveal what his patient has told him, not even to his wife, who's a prosecutor, or his friend Sam, who's a cop. What's more, his feelings for Gibbs may be clouding his judgment about the truth of what she professes. Though he telegraphs the denouement too...