«Последний полицейский» — антология в основном детективной фантастики и фэнтези разных авторов под одной обложкой! Содержание: Последний полицейский (Бен Уинтерс) Устройство «Пандора» (Аарон Коннерс) Марид Одран (Джордж Эффинджер, цикл) Нью-Йоркские ночи (Эрик Браун) Тайный агент (Мак Рейнолдс, повести и рассказы)
«Звездный гамбит» — антология зарубежной фантастики и фэнтези разных авторов под одной обложкой! Содержание: Сироты (Р. Бюттнер) Хозяева космоса (Р. Вардеман) Фактор жизни (Д. Мини) Бортинженер (Д. Дуэн, С. Стирлинг — трилогия) Великое колесо (Б. Бейли) Одежды Кайана (Б. Бейли) Вернуть изобилие (К. Гринлэнд) Одиночка (К. Мориарти) Кодекс поведения (К. Смит) Полутьма (Э. Браун) Робот (А. Вишневский-Снерг) «От разбойника…» (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Нагая мишень (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Ангел смерти (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Оазис (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Боги войны (Ж. Клейн) Звездный гамбит (Ж. Клейн) Время не...
That winter David Conway was enjoying a quiet life with his friends, not especially looking for love, but finding it anyway. The artist Matt Sommers was due to stage an exhibition of Epiphany Stones from Acrab IV, a show which attracted the attention of one Darius Dortmund, the famous empathy. Dortmund could see into the minds of men ‘some said into their very souls’ and when he met David and his friends, and looked into their minds, what he found there would lead to murder… Starship Winter, the third volume in the Starship Seasons sequence, continues the quiet adventures of Conway and his friends on the backwater colony world of Addenbrooke, Delta Pavonis IV.
David Conway leads a quiet life in picturesque Magenta Bay on the colony world of Chalcedony. Nothing much has happened for five years, but all that is about to change. First he meets the mysterious holo star Carlotta Chakravorti-Luna, who regrets the lost loves of her past and dreams of learning what the future might hold. Then Conway’s alien friend Kee heads inland to take part in an Ashentay ritual with potentially fatal consequences. What follows is a convoluted and poignant tragedy which entangles Conway and his friends.
В 1888 году Шерлок Холмс совершил путешествие на Цейлон по приглашению Королевской чайной компании для расследования небольшого дела в Тринкомали. В итоге Королевская чайная компания запретила ему разглашать подробности происшествия… Рассказ проливает свет на белое пятно в жизни и подвигах Шерлока Холмса и достойно дополняет классический ряд приключений Великого Сыщика.
Rites of Passage gathers four long stories, one of which is original to the collection. “Bartholomew Burns and the Brain Invaders” features a Victorian London facing the threat of alien invasion and the mysterious ‘Guardian’ who saves the day. “Guardians of the Phoenix” is set in a near-future, post-apocalyptic world where water is in short supply and roaming bands will do anything to obtain it, while “Sunworld” is about a strange world where the sun is fixed eternally overhead and Yarrek Merwell makes a discovery that will change everything. The longest story in the collection, “Beneath the Ancient Sun” has never appeared before and is set on a far-future Earth where giant crabs and a...
В классических рассказах о приключениях Шерлока Холмса, вышедших из-под пера Артура Конан Дойла, лишь мельком упоминается ряд дел, разгадкой которых приходилось заниматься Великому Сыщику. Даже для тех, кто не обладает дедуктивным мышлением, совершенно очевидно, что эти дела всерьез повлияли на судьбу Холмса и на формирование его методов ведения расследования. Но, в силу определенных, известных ему одному причин, Артур Конан Дойл не уделил этим делам внимания, которого они заслуживают. Лауреат премии Эдгара По, писатель и литературовед Майк Эшли вдохновил целую плеяду известных писателей на то, чтобы закрасить «белые пятна» в истории Шерлока Холмса. Двадцать шесть вошедших в эту...
Here are twenty-five stories of fantasy and science fiction selected from the pages of Wildside Press's Fantasy Adventure anthology series, selected by its editor, Philip Harbottle. Throughout its run of thirteen issues FA presented both original stories and classic reprints by veteran British SF and fantasy writers, including Sydney J. Bounds, John Russell Fearn, John Glasby, Philip E. High, and E. C. Tubb. They were soon joined by newer writers, most notably Eric Brown, and the series became a modern showcase for the best of British science fiction and fantasy writing. Contents: INTRODUCTION by Philip Harbottle THE CALL OF THE GRAVE by Brian Ball THE WARLORD OF KUL...
Stories of the fall of civilisation, the destruction of the Earth and the end of the Universe itself The last sixty years have been full of stories of one or other possible Armageddon, whether by nuclear war, plague, cosmic catastrophe or, more recently, global warming, terrorism, genetic engineering, AIDS and other pandemics. These stories, both pre- and post-apocalyptic, describe the fall of civilization, the destruction of the entire Earth, or the end of the Universe itself. Many of the stories reflect on humankind’s infinite capacity for self-destruction, but the stories are by no means all downbeat or depressing — one key theme explores what the aftermath of a cataclysm might be...
The Serene are an alien race. The Earth in 2025 is an ailing world, and the Serene an end to poverty and violence — but not everyone supports the seemingly benign invasion. There are forces out there who wish to return to the bad old days, and will stop at nothing to oppose the Serene. It’s 2025 and the world is riven by war, terrorist attacks, poverty and increasingly desperate demands for water, oil, and natural resources. The West and China confront each other over an inseperable ideological divide, each desperate to sustain their future. And then the Serene arrive, enigmatic aliens form Delta Pavonis V, and nothing will ever be the same again. The Serene bring peace to an...