In Wonders of the Solar System - the book of the acclaimed BBC TV series - Professor Brian Cox will take us on a journey of discovery where alien worlds from your imagination become places we can see, feel and visit. The Wonders of the Solar System -- from the giant ice fountains of Enceladus to the liquid methane seas of Titan and from storms twice the size of the Earth to the tortured moon of Io with its giant super-volcanoes -- is the Solar System as you have never seen it before. In this series, Professor Brian Cox will introduce us to the planets and moons beyond our world, finding the biggest, most bizarre, most powerful natural phenomena. Using the latest scientific imagery along...
Human life is a staggeringly strange thing. On the surface of a ball of rock falling around a nuclear fireball in the blackness of a vacuum the laws of nature conspired to create a naked ape that can look up at the stars and wonder where it came from. What is a human being? Objectively, nothing of consequence. Particles of dust in an infinite arena, present for an instant in eternity. Clumps of atoms in a universe with more galaxies than people. And yet a human being is necessary for the question itself to exist, and the presence of a question in the universe – any question – is the most wonderful thing. Questions require minds, and minds bring meaning. What is meaning? I don’t know,...
Это – суровая и абсолютно бескомпромиссная книга. Собственно говоря, подлинная мистическая книга и не должна быть иной. Тот, кто познал Свет, не будет заигрывать с читателем. Тот, в ком пылает духовный огонь, не принимает во внимание обычные человеческие слабости. Книга Эндрю Коэна может зажечь тебя… или обжечь. Прежде чем читать эту книгу, следует честно ответить себе на следующий вопрос: «Действительно ли я готов к познанию себя?» «…Поистине, когда мы ничего не хотим для самих себя, в нас вспыхивает Божий лик». Таков подход Эндрю Коэна.