Много лет «Адмирал Бинг» – уютный паб в приморской деревушке Крэбуэлл – посещали и местные обитатели, и туристы. Но однажды его владелец Джеффри Горацио Фитцсиммонс был найден мертвым в лодке у причала… Возможно, бедняга просто покончил с собой, сломавшись под грузом долгов, неоплаченных счетов и перспектив закрытия своего любимого детища? Но команда телевизионщиков-документалистов, прибывших в деревушку, так не думает. Они намерены выяснить, что же произошло с Фитцсиммонсом, даже если ради этого придется перевернуть каждый камень в Крэбуэлле и вытащить из шкафов все скелеты.
American Ursula Grandison accompanies Belle Seldon to visit her sister, Helen, Countess of Mountstanton, commissioned by their father, multi-millionaire Chauncey Seldon, to discover what is wrong with Helen's marriage and what has happened to her dowry. At decaying stately Mountstanton House, Ursula finds the Earl is a cold fish, the Dowager Countess of Mounstanton the mother-in-law from hell, and Helen has not forgiven her for stealing her great love. Ursula discovers the drowned body of Polly, the nursemaid, thought to have deserted the household. Neither the Earl's brother, Colonel Charles Stanhope, nor Ursula believes Polly's death was an accident. Investigating against the Earl's...
London 1903: American Ursula Grandison is once again involved with murder. As she struggles to make a living in a society where women have few rights and little freedom, she teams up with old friend and private investigator Thomas Jackman, who soon finds himself drawing on Ursula's investigative abilities as they battle to save an innocent woman from the noose. Set against a background of Edwardian constraints and the fight for women's suffrage, can Ursula and Jackman disentangle a bewildering web of motive and opportunity and prevent a subtle yet dangerous killer striking again?
The Floating Admiral was the first of the Detection Club's collaborative novels, in which 12 of its members wrote a single novel. Eighty-five years later, 14 members of the club have once again collaborated to produce The Sinking Admiral. The Admiral is a pub in the Suffolk seaside village of Crabwell, the Admiral Byng. The Admiral is also the nickname of its landlord, Geoffrey Horatio Fitzsimmons, as well as the name of the landlord's dinghy. None of them are as buoyant as they should be, for the pub is threatened with closure due to falling takings. Tempers are already frayed due to the arrival of a television documentary team when Fitzsimmons is found dead in his tethered boat. The...