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Адмирал идет ко дну


Много лет «Адмирал Бинг» – уютный паб в приморской деревушке Крэбуэлл – посещали и местные обитатели, и туристы. Но однажды его владелец Джеффри Горацио Фитцсиммонс был найден мертвым в лодке у причала… Возможно, бедняга просто покончил с собой, сломавшись под грузом долгов, неоплаченных счетов и перспектив закрытия своего любимого детища? Но команда телевизионщиков-документалистов, прибывших в деревушку, так не думает. Они намерены выяснить, что же произошло с Фитцсиммонсом, даже если ради этого придется перевернуть каждый камень в Крэбуэлле и вытащить из шкафов все скелеты.

Secret Sins


Life may not be getting any easier for curate Callie Anson, but it is definitely getting more interesting. Her relationship with policeman Marco Lombardi grows ever warmer, even though he seems to be keeping her away from his close Italian family. Then her own brother Peter, beloved and engaging as he is, gets a bit too close for comfort when he moves in with Callie. Professionally, things are challenging as well. Callie has become involved with the problems of a new parishioner. Morag Hamilton is worried about her granddaughter Alex--a lonely and isolated twelve-year-old with a work-obsessed father and a self-absorbed step-mother. If Morag knew how much time Alex spends on the internet,...

Deep Waters


In a culture obsessed with celebrity, baby Muffin's death is big news. Crib death? Or something more sinister? Everyone wants to know, including the police. Whatever the truth, the bereaved parents - celebrity couple Jodee and Chazz - live in curate Callie Anson's London parish, and Callie becomes involved with funeral arrangements, despite the disapproval of her vicar and his wife. Detective Inspector Neville Stewart is recalled from his honeymoon to investigate the case - with disastrous personal results. And journalist Lilith Noone's professional future is on the line, as she is sucked more and more deeply into her own flirtation with celebrity culture. Meanwhile, for police family...

The Sinking Admiral


The Floating Admiral was the first of the Detection Club's collaborative novels, in which 12 of its members wrote a single novel. Eighty-five years later, 14 members of the club have once again collaborated to produce The Sinking Admiral. The Admiral is a pub in the Suffolk seaside village of Crabwell, the Admiral Byng. The Admiral is also the nickname of its landlord, Geoffrey Horatio Fitzsimmons, as well as the name of the landlord's dinghy. None of them are as buoyant as they should be, for the pub is threatened with closure due to falling takings. Tempers are already frayed due to the arrival of a television documentary team when Fitzsimmons is found dead in his tethered boat. The...