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Адмирал идет ко дну


Много лет «Адмирал Бинг» – уютный паб в приморской деревушке Крэбуэлл – посещали и местные обитатели, и туристы. Но однажды его владелец Джеффри Горацио Фитцсиммонс был найден мертвым в лодке у причала… Возможно, бедняга просто покончил с собой, сломавшись под грузом долгов, неоплаченных счетов и перспектив закрытия своего любимого детища? Но команда телевизионщиков-документалистов, прибывших в деревушку, так не думает. Они намерены выяснить, что же произошло с Фитцсиммонсом, даже если ради этого придется перевернуть каждый камень в Крэбуэлле и вытащить из шкафов все скелеты.

Matricide at St. Martha's


When an enormous fortune is left to St Martha's College, the dons split into three factions: the virgins, the dykes and the old women (who, are in fact, men). As the arguments begin, Robert Amiss finds himself at the sharp end of a murder investigation.

Murdering Americans


Academia (n.): a profession filled with bad food, knee-jerk liberalism, and murder... Being a member of the House of Lords and Mistress of St Martha's College in Cambridge might seem enough to keep anyone busy, but Baroness (Jack) Troutbeck likes new challenges. When a combination of weddings, work, and spookery deprives her of five of her closest allies, she leaps at an invitation to become a Distinguished Visiting Professor on an American campus. With her head full of romantic fantasies inspired by 1950s Hollywood, and accompanied by Horace, her loquacious and disconcerting parrot, this intellectually-rigorous right-winger sets off from England blissfully unaware that academia in the...

The English School of Murder aka The School of English Murder

Clubbed to Death


The British fondness for tradition is no secret, but some members of London's ffeatherstonehaugh's club (pronounced "Fanshaw," naturally) seem to be taking things a bit too far, bumping off officers of the club who threaten their ordered, if highly eccentric, way of life. After the club secretary allegedly jumps to his death from the club's gallery, Robert Amiss, conveniently unemployed at the moment, agrees to help his friends at the Police Department get to the bottom of things. Hiring on as a club waiter, Amiss finds himself caught up in a bizarre caricature of a club, run by and for debauched geriatrics, with skeletons rattling in every closet. The portraits are of roues, the library...

Killing the Emperors


Why have luminaries of the world of conceptual art been kidnapped? And why has Baroness Jack Troutbeck - who has publicly described them all as knaves or fools - gone missing too? As victims surface publicly and horrifically dead, in what become The Hommage Murders', can she be rescued in time?

The Sinking Admiral


The Floating Admiral was the first of the Detection Club's collaborative novels, in which 12 of its members wrote a single novel. Eighty-five years later, 14 members of the club have once again collaborated to produce The Sinking Admiral. The Admiral is a pub in the Suffolk seaside village of Crabwell, the Admiral Byng. The Admiral is also the nickname of its landlord, Geoffrey Horatio Fitzsimmons, as well as the name of the landlord's dinghy. None of them are as buoyant as they should be, for the pub is threatened with closure due to falling takings. Tempers are already frayed due to the arrival of a television documentary team when Fitzsimmons is found dead in his tethered boat. The...