Найдено: 49

Fall of Macharius


In the last years of the Crusade, Macharius comes to Loki. This heavily industrialised world is the bastion of the Lord Solar's arch-nemesis, the traitor Richter. Formerly one of Macharius's trusted advisors, Richter's betrayal is indicative of the low morale and dissent amongst the Imperial forces. Brought to the edge of the known galaxy, thrust into a plague-ridden hell of trench warfare, Macharius faces his sternest test. As the end of the Crusade dawns, this could be an end to the Imperium's war and the final fall of Macharius.

Fist of Demetrius


As the crusade reaches its apex, Lord Solar Macharius is drawn by a prophecy to the world of Demetrius in search of an ancient artefact - the Fist of Demetrius. Rumours and legends abound of the artefact’s providence as a weapon of a primarch, the lords of the Horus Heresy. With it, Macharius believes his success and victory is assured but others crave this potent weapon, and the dark eldar will do anything to obtain it.

Angel of Fire


At the dawn of the forty-first millennium, Lord Commander Macharius and his forces embark upon the re-conquest of over a thousand worlds. A man of steel and fire, Macharius is the only one with the will to lead the massed armies of the Imperium to victory. As the crusade rolls onwards, it reaches the world of Karsk. In the city of Irongrad, the Imperial forces face the crusade’s end, unless Macharius and his army can defeat the dreaded Angel of Fire.

Тирион и Теклис


Цикл «Тирион и Теклис» в одном томе. Тирион и Теклис, самые прославленные герои высших эльфов. Рожденные для величия, братья-близнецы разные, как свет и тьма. Тирион, расчетливый тактик и непревзойденный фехтовальщик, воодушевляет окружающих, вселяя в их сердца отвагу. Теклис, могущественный стихийный чародей, обладает даром, соперничающим даже с талантами мифического Каледора. В эту книгу вошли истории о самых захватывающих приключениях близнецов — от скитаний в смертельно опасных джунглях Люстрии в поисках легендарного утерянного меча Каледора до кровопролитного сражения ради спасения родной земли от злобного Короля-Колдуна Малекита. Сборник включает романы «Кровь Аэнариона», «Меч...

Истребитель великанов (ЛП)


Готрек, Феликс и их спутники, покинув замок Дракенхоф, пробираются через леса Сильвании, где пути их расходятся. Угодив в западню, расставленную их давними врагами, Готрек и Феликс внезапно оказываются в совершенно невообразимом месте, где встречают весьма неожиданного спутника. На этот раз им выпало оказать помощь в спасении целого континента.

Истребитель вампиров (ЛП)


Погоня за таинственным похитителем приводит Готрека, Феликса и их спутников в печально известную провинцию Империи Сильванию, колыбель древнего зла и вотчину повелителей нежити.

Oaths and Conquests


A Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology War rages in the Mortal Realms. The heroes of Order stand against the darkness of Chaos, the fury of Destruction and the sinister chill of Death in thirteen tales that lay bare the oaths of the righteous and the conquests of the damned. READ IT BECAUSE Cross the Mortal Realms and discover tales of the sinister skaven, bold Kharadron Overlords, daring Fyreslayers and many more of your favourite factions from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. DESCRIPTION The Mortal Realms are burning. The hope brought by Sigmar’s storm is now nothing more than a dwindling light against the darkness of Chaos, as mighty warlords rise to prominence and teeming hordes of...

Gotrek & Felix: The Third Omnibus


The fan-favourite heroes return for three more novel-length adventures plus a host of shorter tales taking them from mist-shrouded Albion to the far south and beyond. READ IT BECAUSE In this omnibus, the torch is passed! Original series writer William King takes his final bow with Gotrek and Nathan Long takes over, changing the focus of the series and embarking on all-new adventures! DESCRIPTION Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... Escaping from a horde of enemies, Gotrek and Felix stumble into a network of ancient magical tunnels...

Gotrek and Felix: The Second Omnibus


The Slayer and his poet companion – plus a host of friends new and old – hunt an ancient dragon, defend the city of Praag from an almighty siege and embark on a quest to save one of their number from the clutches of a vampire in a trio of action-packed novels. READ IT BECAUSE Dragons, a massive Chaos siege and the undead – this omnibus contains some classic villains in some of Gotrek & Felix's best loved adventures – along with one of the most shocking twists in the entire series. DESCRIPTION Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... The...

Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus


A Warhammer Chronicles Omnibus Of all the heroes of the world-that-was, Gotrek and Felix may be the greatest – and this collection of novels and short stories showcases their earliest adventures. READ IT BECAUSE The saga of Gotrek and Felix starts here, with three novels that introduce a host of fan-favourite characters and feature some of the heroic duo's most memorable adventures. eBook $ 18.99 Add to wishlist DESCRIPTION Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere inbetween, and depends entirely on who you ask… Relive the early adventures of the Slayer and his human companion. From...