Найдено: 4

Resist: Tales from a Future Worth Fighting Against


The arc of history is unpredictable, and no one knows where it’s headed. But that’s never stopped speculative fiction writers from shouting out a warning. Join twenty-seven of today’s top science fiction authors as they write about possible tomorrows we hope to avoid, drawing on challenges taken from today’s headlines. Hugo and Nebula Award winners, New York Times best sellers, and some of the hottest names in Hollywood all come together to share tales from a future worth fighting against. This is a project of passion for all involved. We hope that passion is evident and contagious. At least 50% of each sale of this anthology will go to the ACLU. To learn more about their mission,...

The Final Frontier: Stories of Exploring Space, Colonizing the Universe, and First Contact


The vast and mysterious universe is explored in this reprint anthology from award-winning editor and anthologist Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld magazine, The Best Science Fiction of the Year). The urge to explore and discover is a natural and universal one, and the edge of the unknown is expanded with each passing year as scientific advancements inch us closer and closer to the outer reaches of our solar system and the galaxies beyond them. Generations of writers have explored these new frontiers and the endless possibilities they present in great detail. With galaxy-spanning adventures of discovery and adventure, from generations ships to warp drives, exploring new worlds to first...

Край бесконечности


Эта книга, воскрешающая оптимистический дух фантастики Золотого века, посвящена давней мечте человечества о полетах в космос, о покорении других планет и исследовании Солнечной системы. Здесь в нечеловеческих условиях Юпитера зарождается новая ступень человеческой эволюции, рискованная афера оборачивается контактом с иной формой жизни, художники в качестве холстов используют целые планеты, а обычный день инструктора по управлению космическими кораблями превращается в настоящий триллер. От постсингулярности до проблем искусственного интеллекта, от настоящей утопии до новых форм общества – все это «Край бесконечности», твердая научная фантастика в своих самых незаурядных и захватывающих...

Lightspeed: Year One (collection)


Lightspeed (www.lightspeedmagazine.com) is the critically-acclaimed, online science fiction magazine edited by bestselling anthologist John Joseph Adams. Lightspeed publishes all types of science fiction, from near-future, sociological soft sf, to far-future, star-spanning hard sf, and anything and everything in between. Each month, Lightspeed features a mix of originals and reprints, from a variety of authors—from the bestsellers and award-winners you already know to the best new voices you haven't heard of yet. Now, in Lightspeed: Year One, you will find all of the fiction published in Lightspeed's first year, from new stories such as Nebula Award finalists, Vylar Kaftan’s “I’m Alive, I...