Найдено: 67

Мортарион: Бледный Король


Тогда, система Галаспар страдала под жестоким режимом Ордена. Миллиарды людей без конца трудились ради обогащения своих хозяев, влача короткую жизнь в нищете, убожестве и страхе. Но грехи Галаспара не остались незамеченными Империумом, и сама Смерть приговорила Орден к уничтожению. Мортарион, недавно возвышенный до главы Гвардии Смерти, спустился в мир и вместе с ним пришла резня неслыханных ранее масштабов. Жестокость кампании Мортариона потрясла Империум. Стремясь понять содеянные ужасы, два благородных примарха прибыли в Галаспар, чтобы призвать своего брата к ответу за его действия. Но Бледный Король не терпит возражений против своих методов, ибо когда опускается коса, она пожинает...

Вулкан: Владыка Змиев


Во славу человечества Император ведет свои армии к завоеванию Галактики. Легионы один за другим воссоединяются с примархами. В Тарасском Разделе, в борьбе против чудовищного нашествия орков, часть XVIII легиона отчаянно держит оборону, не зная, что их примарх уже найден. В то же время на Ноктюрне Вулкан создает новую армию, которую ждет обретение истинной цели. И вот настал час и им вступить в бой. Владыке Змиев предстоит не только примерить мантию предводителя и спасти своих сынов, но и выковать новое неразделимое целое.

Pre-Heresy: Prologue to Nikaea


The Emperor's Golden Throne is the best known throne on Terra – and it is Malcador the Sigillite's ultimate destiny. But it is not the only throne on the Imperium's heartworld – Malcador himself has one, in a chamber he uses to pluck secrets from the tides of the immaterium. When his scryings draw the Sigillite to the world of Thawra, he finds a planet plagued by a new terror – an organised corps of psykers. As war rages on the world and witch battles witch, Malcador wonders if this may be a portent of the terrors to come…

Эфраэль Штерн. Святая Еретичка


Эфраэль Штерн известна на просторах измученной Галактики под множеством прозваний. Триждырожденная. Противодемон. Святая Еретичка. Затерявшись глубоко в сердце Империума-Нигилус после наступления Великого Разлома, оклеветанная Сестра Битвы опасается, что государство людей перестало существовать. Свет Бога-Императора, который вел ее сквозь века сражений, тоже погас. Оставленная всеми, Штерн влачит существование одиночки, пока не прибывает таинственный незнакомец, который предлагает ей новую судьбу — возможно, сулящую спасение для Империума. Штерн предстоит еще раз доказать, что она достойна милости Бога-Императора. Иначе новая опасность — более серьезная, чем все, с которыми человечество...

Inferno! Volume 1


Tales from the Worlds of Warhammer Inferno! Volume 1 showcases some of the best new fiction from across Games Workshop's many universes; from the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, to the brutal underhive of Necromunda, through to the sprawling realms of the Age of Sigmar and the ancient lands of the Warhammer Chronicles. READ IT BECAUSE Inferno! is back! And it's packed full of tales from across all the worlds of Warhammer, including some by familiar faces, and loads by newcomers whose unique takes on the universes we love are sure to thrill you. DESCRIPTION The premiere volume of this new anthology series brings you new short fiction from the worlds of Warhammer. Penned by...

Sacrosanct & Other Stories


A restless menace threatens the town of Wyrmditt. Stirred from his grave by fell magic, Sabrodt, the Shrouded King, seeks dominion over the kingdom he failed to claim in life. So great is the terror inflicted upon the lands by Sabrodt and his nighthaunts that Sigmar, God-King, sends a retinue of his warriors most skilled in the art of Azyrite magic to liberate the town. The Stormcast Eternals of the Sacrosanct Chamber are warrior-wizards, imbued with arcane knowledge and the power to wield the energies of the storm in battle. Leading the retinue is Knight-Incantor Arnhault, a formidable mage who has studied the histories of Sabrodt's kingdom. But the fight against the Shrouded King will...

Warlord: Fury of the God-Machine


The Battle Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus are towering war engines, striding to war as holy effigies of the Omnissiah. Greatest of all are the mighty Warlord Titans, their weapons bringing righteous death to alien and heretic alike. Still reeling from a near disastrous battle against tyranids, the Pallidus Morr demi-legio is assigned to a new warzone, a nearby forge world which has fallen under the sway of Chaos. Here their battered war-machines must fight alongside another Titan Legion, the Imperial Hunters. As city after city falls before the relentless tread of Chaos war machines, the Imperium’s only chance of victory lies in the two legios putting aside their differences and fighting...



For more than a century, Garran Crowe has served as Castellan of the Grey Knights, protecting the Imperium against the foulest daemons, and holding prisoner in his grasp the monstrous Black Blade of Antwyr. Now he is tested as never before when the planet he and his strike force are fighting on, Sandava III, is swallowed by the mighty warp storm known as the Cicatrix Maledictum. But their struggle for survival is only just beginning, for when the Grey Knights return to a transformed Imperium, they discover that the fate of Sandava III is just one part of a monstrous danger. Crowe must fight an enemy whose patiently laid plans have at last come to fruition, threatening the Imperium with...

Warden of the Blade


Castellan Crowe of the Grey Knights bears a heavy burden – to carry the cursed Blade of Antwyr, a weapon imbued with dark power. For the first time, discover the origins of this dread task and why only Crowe can be the one to carry it out. READ IT BECAUSE t's a fascinating look at a compelling character, showcasing the duality of the purest of souls as he contends with the corrupting power of an artefact that could damn him and all he holds dear to utter ruination. THE STORY Castellan Crowe, Brotherhood Champion of the Purifier order of the Grey Knights, bears a heavy burden – to be the warden of the dread Blade of Antwyr. Its malevolent voice is forever in his head, trying to...

Neferata: The Dominion of Bones


With her kingdom surrounded by enemies on all sides, the Blood Queen Neferata must call upon all of her cunning and guile if she is to maintain her rulership… fortunately, those qualities are not in short supply… READ IT BECAUSE Explore the terrifying wiles of the Mortarch of Blood in a novel that pushes her to her limits as enemies gather both within and without her undying empire. THE STORY Neferata is besieged. To the east, the daemon prince Graunos gathers the legions of the Blood God, seeking to tear the Mortarch from her throne. To the south, Sigmar’s storm heralds the coming of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, intent on pressing the God-King’s claim. All the while, an ancient...