Мастера детектива. Выпуск 7 Содержание: М. Спиллейн. Змея М. Лебрен. Весь свет на Сильвию Дж. Чейз. Последний шанс Р. Стаут. Золотые пауки
He was a big strapping fellow around thirty, broad and well-built, but far from muscular; soft, just this side of fat. “Hello, Baby,” he said. “You one of her boy friends?” “Go jump in a lake,” I said. “Jump into two if one won’t hold you,” and I turned back to Netta’s door. He giggled. “There’s no one there,” he said, added in an undertone. “She’s dead: died by her own hand.” I felt a little cold breath against my cheek. There was something wrong here. I knew Netta well. She wasn’t the suicide type. And that’s how it began. From then on Steve Harmas, American newspaper correspondent, was never out of trouble. Netta’s body was kidnapped, then her mysterious sister Anne...
Blondes’ Requiem is a thriller with a surprise, by a writer who can always hold the suspense to the end. When Marc Spewack, private investigator, arrives in Cranville, he is aware of the terror, violence and sudden death that are to come. He has been engaged by Lewes Wolf, Czar of Cranville, to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances. No less than five young girls have vanished without trace, and the panic-stricken citizens of Cranville are demanding immediate action to find the girls and bring their kidnapper to justice. Wolf is determined to be elected mayor of Cranville and he has only hired Spewack to gain favour with the voters. The two other candidates for the...
It seemed like a good idea at the time to ex-paratrooper sergeant Harry Mitchell, home after three years in the deadly jungles of Vietnam. Head south to Florida, get a summer job, soak up some sun, relax a bit. But when he got to Paradise City he found himself drawn into a lethal set-up where dumped corpses, smuggling operations, over-ambitious cops, hired killers and a sexy little double-crosser called Nina combined to make life very unhealthy. It was just as well for Harry Mitchell that he’d learned to look after himself in Vietnam...
Private detective Bart Anderson is hired by Russ Hamel, a millionaire author, to shadow his beautiful wife, Nancy. For Hamel has been receiving poison pen letters claiming that his wife has been having an affair. But as Bart’s investigation progresses, he discovers that he has opened up a can of worms — for Nancy is not the faithful wife her husband assumes...
Farrell Brannigan, President of the National Californian bank, builds yet another bank at Sharnville, an up-and-coming town on the pacific coast. Using the brilliant know-how of a young electronics expert, Brannigan feels justified in calling his new bank: ‘The Safest Bank in the World’. The press give the new bank world-wide publicity. But some forty years ago, when Brannigan was a young and rising banker, he made an implacable enemy. This man, with a pathological urge for revenge, attempts to break into ‘the safest bank in the world’. James Hadley Chase tells the story as only he can. Don’t go to bed with this one, unless you want to stay awake all night.
В двенадцатом сборнике из выпускаемой издательством "Полина" серии "Зарубежный детектив" публикуются (впервые на русском языке) романы выдающихся мастеров детективного жанра Дж. X. Чейза "Перемените обстановку" и Р. Смейза "Не упусти свой шанс" и "На грани смерти". Содержание Д. Чейз. Перемените обстановку Р. Смейз. Не упусти свой шанс Р. Смейз. На грани смерти
Рене Реймонд, известный всему миру под псевдонимом Джеймс Хэдли Чейз, вышел из семьи отставного британского офицера, и отец прочил Рене карьеру ученого. Но в 18 лет будущий писатель оставил учебу и навсегда покинул родительский дом. Он испробовал немало профессий, прежде чем стал агентом по распространению книг и основательно изучил книжный бизнес изнутри. Впоследствии Чейз вспоминал: «…Мне пришлось постучать в сто тысяч дверей, и за каждой из них я мог встретить любого из персонажей своих будущих романов…» В течение почти полувековой писательской деятельности Чейз создал порядка девяноста романов, которые пользовались неизменным успехом у читателей разных стран, и около пятидесяти из них...
В настоящий сборник вошли романы Д. Х. Чейза "Я сам похороню своих мертвых" и "Реквием для убийцы", а также роман В. Каннинга "Проходная пешка". Содержание: Джеймс Хедли Чейз. Я сам похороню своих мертвых Джеймс Хедли Чейз. Реквием для убийцы Виктор Каннинг. Проходная пешка