То, что начинается как роман о доме с привидениями, написанный маркизом де Садом, превращается в мета-разрушительный хардкорный ужас, который мы любим за секс и насилие. Что-то неладно с домом №65 по улице Железнодорожников. Его история наполнена садистским насилием и дьявольским сексом. В течение нескольких поколений дом развращал своих жителей. Теперь Аррианна и Чак переехали сюда, и дом готов снова охотиться. Но, на этот раз обитатели дома не будут единственными объектами. Никто не в безопасности - не читатель, не авторы, и даже не сам жанр ужасов... Девять главных имен в жанре ужасов сотрудничают в этом, пропитанном сексом и насилием, романе со всем присущим им...
В этом специальном выпуске "Comet Press", охватывающем более 20 лет, 20 мэтров и современных авторов хардкорного хоррора делятся своими самыми крутыми историями. Многие труднодоступные и вышедшие из печати, некоторые из них были запрещены. "Некро Файлы" охватывают все мыслимые виды беспредела, включая серийных убийц, некрофилию, каннибалов, оборотней, зомби, сексуальные фетиши, психопатов, снафф, оккультизм и другие истории, раскрывающие темную сторону человеческой природы. Содержит насилие, запекшуюся кровь, нецензурную лексику и секс.
ЕЩЁ ДО "ХОСТЕЛА"... ЕЩЁ ДО "ПИЛЫ"... БЫЛА "ВЫЖИВШАЯ"... Это должен был быть романтический уик-энд. Лиза с нетерпением ждала возможности провести время наедине со своим мужем и сказать ему, что у них будет ребенок. Вместо этого выходные превращаются в кошмар. Ее мужа арестовывают, а Лизу похищают. Но похитители не просят выкупа. Им нужна сама Лиза. Они собираются сделать ее звездой... снафф-фильма. То, что они задумали для Лизы, невыразимо. Они планируют пытать и убить ее как можно более наглядно и жестоко, и запечатлеть все это на пленку. Если они добьются своего, смерть Лизы будет поистине ужасающей... но еще более ужасно то, что Лиза сделает, чтобы выжить... "Deadite Press"...
They walk among us unnoticed, unassuming. A year after the auto accident that killed his wife, Vince Walters is finally beginning to move forward with his life. With the support of friends, he’s digging back into his career and even beginning to date again. When his estranged mother, Maggie Walters, is murdered, Vince is stunned by the hideous nature of the crime. Maggie lived a quiet life in a small, rural, Pennsylvania town, attending church, reading the Bible, and subscribing to an increasingly paranoid view of the End Times as prophesied in The Book of Revelations. Her brutal killing, which bears all the signs of being related to a sinister satanic cult, is inexplicable given...
Michelle Dowling found her dream job. The offer on her desk from Corporate Financial Consultants included a high five figure salary, generous benefits and cushy perks. Finally, after a escaping the psychological abuse of an emotionally cold mother and a series of dead-end jobs she could start planning a future with her fiancé, Donald. However, Michelle forgot the cardinal rule for any job offer; always read the fine print. She really should have gotten more detail about her overtime hours, company policies, and exactly what they meant when they said “Welcome to the Corporate Financial family”. Michelle isn’t afraid of hard work. She’s a dedicated employee, the kind any manager would...
Adelle Smith has lived her entire life for the betterment of mankind. A Civil Rights Activist in the Sixties and Seventies, she has spent most of her adult life attending marches, giving speeches, and lending a hand to anyone in need. But on the very evening she is to be acknowledged with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her humanitarian efforts, a stroke leaves her partially paralyzed and unable to speak. Now Adelle’s in the care of a ruthless hospice nurse, who sees not a hero before her, but the cause of her many hardships growing up as a child of interracial parents, someone who decides to give Adelle her very own brand of “Physical Therapy” consisting of pain and suffering, mental...
Tim Gaines was the town pariah. Mocked and teased continuously since he was in the sixth grade, he approaches his senior year of high school with a sense of cautious trepidation. Years before, when he was in the sixth grade, a group of boys led by Scott Bradfield-a popular, well-liked kid from well-to-do parents-spread a vicious rumor that he was a devil-worshipper. The rumor stuck, and is believed by most of the students and even a few of the teachers and administrators. It's a rumor Tim can't beat, and one he sometimes feels he's brought on to himself due to his love of horror novels and movies. Now Tim has become friends with a loose-knit group of kids who have also become social...
Spanning over twenty years, 20 masters and modern authors of hardcore horror share their most bad-ass stories in this special edition from Comet Press. Many hard to find and out of print, some that were banned, Necro Files covers every imaginable mode of mayhem including serial killers, necrophilia, cannibals, werewolves, zombies, sex fetishes, psychopaths, snuff, occult, and more stories that dial into the dark side of human nature.
BEFORE HOSTEL…BEFORE SAW..THERE WAS SURVIVOR… It was supposed to be a romantic weekend getaway. Lisa was looking forward to spending time alone with her husband-and telling him that they are going to have a baby. Instead, it becomes a nightmare when her husband is arrested and Lisa is kidnapped. But the kidnappers aren't asking for ransom. They want Lisa herself. They're going to make her a star-in a snuff film. What they have in mind for Lisa is unspeakable. They plan to torture and murder her as graphically and brutally as possible, and to capture it all on film. If they have their way, Lisa's death will be truly horrifying…but even more horrifying is what Lisa will do to survive… ...