Обезумевшие драконы могут уничтожить цивилизацию на всем Фаэруне, но так было не всегда. Были времена, когда люди и драконы бок о бок оберегали жизнь и сражались со злом. Конечно, такое нечасто случалось. Гораздо чаще они пытались убить друг друга и украсть в процессе побольше сокровищ. Это собрание новых историй от создателя Забытых Царств Эда Гринвуда, популярных авторов Элейн Каннингем, Ричарда Бейкера, Лизы Смедман, Роберта Энтони Сальваторе, а так же автора "Года Безумных Драконов" Ричарда Ли Байерса и других, демонстрирующих миллиард граней фаэрунских драконов. Год Безумных Драконов только начался, но история этой расы длинна, пугающа и в то же время - прекрасна.
У любого существа на Фаэруне есть темное отражение в качестве нежити - от призраков воителей древности до исписанных рунами драконьих скелетов. И в мире с такой богатой и кровавой историей, как у Фаэруна - имя им легион, затмевающий живых числом и разнообразием. Эта дюжина пугающих историй - про потусторонние Королевства.
История Фаэруна написана плавным письмом Тель'Квессир. Хроника эльфов Фаэруна протянулась от начала времен к битве за будущее в мире постоянных перемен.
Richard Baker continues his new military science fiction series, Breaker of Empires, with vivid space battles and elements of politics and cultural heritage, picking up where Valiant Dust and Restless Lightning have led. Now a captain, Sikander Singh North commands the destroyer Decisive, assigned to Zerzura, a haven for piracy and the next playing-board in the Great Game. The Aquilan Commonwealth and the Empire of Dremark vie for the allegiance of local ruler Marid Pasha, a competition with stakes that reach far beyond the sector's pirate-infested limits. Sikander must stop the pirate attacks while charting his course between the ambitions of Marid Pasha, a dubious alliance with a...
[b]Richard Baker continues the adventures of Sikander North in [i]Restless Lightning[/i], the second book in his new military science fiction series Breaker of Empires and sequel to [i]Valiant Dust[/i].[/b] Lieutenant Sikander North has avoided an outright court martial and finds himself assigned to a remote outpost in the crumbling, alien Tzoru Empire—where the navy sends trouble-makers to be forgotten. When Sikander finds himself in the middle of an alien uprising, he, once again, must do the impossible: smuggle an alien ambassador off-world, break a siege, and fight the irrational prejudice of his superior officers. The odds are against his success, and his choices could mean...
Explore the fantasy world of D&D and delve into dungeons, slay monsters, and gain treasure! If you′ve been thinking of playing D&D or you′ve played before and you want to get up to speed on the all–new 4th Edition, this is the book for you. Here′s what you need to know to join the fantasy fun. • D&D terminology understand what ability check, modifier, saving throw, AC, gp, hp, and XP mean • Roll the dice add modifiers and see if you rolled the d20 high enough to beat the challenge • Minding your manners know D&D etiquette so you′ll be welcome in any adventure • Character building select your character′s race and class, and choose the best powers, skills, feats, and...
Впервые талантов Джека Рэйвенвайльда оказалось недостаточно, чтобы справиться с его замыслами. Амбиции толкнули его одновременно в паутину козней, плетущихся с целью разрушить город, на благородную миссию по поиску утраченных сокровищ и в сердце заговора, цель которого — захватить власть с помощью благородной Игры Масок. Что ещё хуже, Джеку придётся выбирать между своей свободой и спасением города, в своей любви к которому он не уверен.
Horatio Hornblower and Honor Harrington fans will find a new hero in Sikander North, first in a new military SF series with elements of colonial diplomacy and explosive action. In a new military SF series, Richard Baker begins the adventures of Sikander North in an era of great interstellar colonial powers. Sikander Singh North has always had it easy until he joined the crew of the Aquilan Commonwealth starship CSS Hector. As the ship's new gunnery officer and only Kashmiri, he must constantly prove himself better than his Aquilan crewmates, even if he has to use his fists. When the Hector is called to help with a planetary uprising, he'll have to earn his unit's respect, find who's...
If you’re a Dungeons & Dragons fan, you’ve surely thought of becoming a Dungeon Master. Learning to be a DM isn’t as hard as you might think, especially if you have Dungeon Master 4th Edition For Dummies tucked into your bag of tricks! From organizing your first D&D game to dealing with difficult players, this book covers everything a DM needs to know. Written for the newest edition of D&D by the experts at Wizards of the Coast, creators of the game, it shows you how to: • Build challenging encounters, make reasonable rulings, and manage disagreements • Recognize all the common codes, tables, and spells • Understand the parts of a D&D adventure and how to create dungeon...