Застрелена вспыльчивая старая дама. Единственный подозреваемый - племянник, с которым она поссорилась за несколько часов до смерти. Но мистера Кэмпиона очень интересуют его сказанные после ссоры слова: "Солнце еще не зашло". Рассказ издавался в сборнике "Английский детектив. Лучшее".
As Lugg reads aloud the obituaries one morning, he comes across one for an old school nemesis of Campion. Surprisingly, an anonymous letter inviting Campion to the funeral has also arrived in the morning post. R.I. "Pig" Peters is reported dead according to the doctor who treated him. Five months later, Campion receives a panicked call from a friend, something about a murder. Campion drives down to the friend's home where her father reveals the most assuredly dead body of R.I. “Pig” Peters, his head caved in no more than 12 hours earlier. Amazingly enough, some of the visitors from Peters' first funeral also appear, along with some not-so-grieving acquaintances of the late Pig. The...
a book to remember... In this book you will investigate crime with such Famous Detectives as Perry Mason Nero Wolfe Ellery Queen and read stories of detection and suspense by such Famous Mystery Writers as Agatha Christie John Dickson Carr George Harmon Coxe Charlotte Armstrong Hugh Pentecost and be surprised at tales of mystery and crime by such Famous Literary Figures as W. Somerset Maugham Ben Hecht, John Van Druten A book to remember, a book to read and reread — a book to treasure and keep permanently in your library...
XMAS MARKS THE PLOT Twelve Christmas mysteries — gift wrapped in entertainment and suspense — ready to take home for the holidays in this delightful collection selected from Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. Margery Allingham’s Albert Campion, British detective extraordinaire, solves a country killing in which delivering a Christmas card was simply murder. Rex Stout sends a crotchety patrolman out to investigate a yuletide jewel theft on Manhattan’s mean streets. John D. MacDonald leaves us a secretary’s corpse on Christmas Street along with a cop’s clever ruse to catch her killer. And Santa Claus himself hitches up a sleighload of chills in stories by...
When Albert Campion is called in by the fiancee of an old college friend to investigate the disappearance of her uncle, he little expects the mysterious spate of death and dangers that follows among the bizarre inhabitants of Socrates Close, Cambridge. He and Stanislaus Oates must tread carefully, and battle some complex family dynamics, to solve the case.
Марджори Аллингхэм — знаменитая английская писательница, из-под пера которой вышли более 30 детективных романов, в том числе популярнейшая серия об Альберте Кемпионе. В ее романах есть все — сатира и смех, убийства и шантаж, любовь и интриги. Книги М. Аллингхэм не уступают по напряженности повествования произведениям Агаты Кристи, с которой ее часто сравнивают. В аристократической семье Кембриджа происходит загадочное убийство. Никто из родственников не испытывает особого сожаления, но все они охвачены чувством необъяснимой тревоги. Альберт Кемпион начинает расследование, даже не подозревая, насколько ошеломляющими окажутся его результаты…