Trapped inside the Empire, Captain Jules of Landfall has to use every deadly trick and strategy she knows to avoid recapture by the Emperor’s legions, and stay alive despite every attempt the Mages make to kill her. The only chance to get away may require walking back into the trap she barely escaped the first time. But even her freedom won’t be enough. The prophecy that consumes Jules’s life demands she has an heir to carry on her line. Yet how can she satisfy that while being hunted everywhere? And what might the prophecy cause to happen if she doesn’t have a child? Battling wind, waves, implacable Mage assassins, and Imperial ships, Jules is forced to turn to an unlikely ally—the hated...
Now captain of her own pirate ship, Jules of Landfall faces ambushes by Mage assassins and threats from Mechanics who can’t decide whether to kill her or try to use her for their own ends. The Emperor has made her an offer he doesn’t think she can refuse, but Jules wants nothing to do with that gilded cage. Now, the Emperor’s forces are redoubling their efforts to capture her. The free ships of the pirates have never gathered around any single leader, but when the Mechanics seek to limit the power of the Empire, Jules realizes it offers her a means to grow the strength of the free people escaping the Emperor’s grasp. Gaining access to the strange Mechanic weapons known as “revolvers”, she...
On the world of Dematr, the Emperor and his legions rule over the lands on the eastern side of the Sea of Bakre, and the Great Guilds rule over the Emperor and his subjects. The Mechanics Guild, whose members claim they came from the stars, controls technology far beyond that of the swords and sailing ships of the common people, while the Mage Guild wields strange powers that terrify all who face them. Jules, an orphan from the Imperial city of Landfall, has fought her way up to become an officer in training with the Emperor’s fleet. But her plans and her life are shattered when a Mage prophesizes that a daughter of her line will one day overthrow the Great Guilds and free the world. In...
Далия ТРУСКИНОВСКАЯ ХРАНИТЕЛЬ КЛАДА Он чахнет над златом не одно столетие, но еще ни разу угроза его богатству не подступала так близко. Том ЛИГОН ЭЛЬДОРАДО Кажется, эту угрозу из космоса уже не остановить… Или шанс все-таки есть? Джон ХЕМРИ ВРЕМЕНА В историю столько раз вторгались, что теперь уже невозможно восстановить, как все было на самом деле. Майк РЕЗНИК ЛАВКА ЧУДЕС АЛАСТЕРА БАФФЛА Здесь практически ничего не изменилось и через семьдесят восемь лет. Кроме посетителей магазина. Дэвид ХИЛЛ ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ СЛУЧАЙ ГРИППА Проснувшись в собственной постели, стоит удостовериться: а вы ли это на самом деле? Евгений ГАРКУШЕВ ПОЙТЕПобудем ненадолго романтиками:...
Success? Failure? It’s all how you look at it. Right?
Jack Campbell returns to the world of the New York Times bestselling Lost Fleet novels with a new action-packed military science fiction series that explores the founding of the Alliance… and the men and women who fought to create it. Earth is no longer the center of the universe. After the invention of the faster-than-light jump drive, humanity is rapidly establishing new colonies. But the vast distances of space also mean that the old order of protection and interstellar law offered by Earth has ceased to exist. When a nearby world attacks, the new colony of Glenlyon turns to Robert Geary, a young former junior fleet officer, and Mele Darcy, a former enlisted Marine. With...
The Syndicate Worlds continue to splinter as more star systems pledge allegiance to President Gwen Iceni, General Artur Drakon, and the new government they’re establishing at Midway. But the toxic legacy of Syndicate rule continues to undermine their efforts as the rebels encounter difficulty trusting one another and believing their new leaders’ promises of freedom from tyranny. Before Iceni and Drakon can put their house in order, they must deal with an even greater threat. An enigma warship has appeared and vanished near a Syndic colony. If the aliens are capable of jumping into other human-occupied star systems, then billions of people could be vulnerable to a hostile invasion fleet...
Ne croyez pas la Terre, le monde d’origine de l’espèce humaine, désormais à l’abri des complots et des attentats. « Black Jack » Geary, qui vient d’y accompagner les ineffables Danseurs et de découvrir la planète des ancêtres, en fera les frais. Et ce n’est que le premier des obstacles qu’il lui faudra franchir car le gouvernement de l’Alliance, terrifié par sa popularité, le soupçonne toujours de vouloir s’emparer d’un pouvoir qu’il ne veut pourtant pas et ne cesse de lui confier des missions piégées avec des moyens de plus en plus insuffisants. Les politiciens iront-ils jusqu’à ouvrir la boîte de Pandore et briser un tabou séculaire pour arriver à leurs fins, au risque de...
Midway libéré, mais Midway menacé, Midway subverti, Midway contraint à résister à des dangers dont on ignore quand et d’où ils surgiront. Le général Drakon va partir en mission dans le système voisin d’Ulindi où un potentat local aux visées impérialistes s’est emparé du pouvoir. Piège, Ulindi, car le Syndicat n’a pas dit son dernier mot ; piège encore, la menace de soulèvement que la présidente Iceni va devoir affronter seule… L’étau se resserre. Comme toujours, l’issue serait un pas nouveau vers la démocratie, mais le parcours et la culture de nos deux dirigeants rebelles ne leur rendent pas cette démarche naturelle. Tandis que « Par-delà la frontière » prolonge la série de « La...
L’autorité des Mondes syndiqués s’effondre lentement depuis la victoire de l’Alliance. Partout éclatent sécessions et guerres civiles. Que deviendront ces « étoiles perdues » ? De haute lutte, Midway a conquis son indépendance et s’est soustrait à la dictature syndic. Mais à quoi bon si c’est pour retomber sous sa férule faute d’une flotte spatiale digne de ce nom ? Ou pour succomber à une nouvelle agression des Énigmas ? Car voici que surgissent aux confins du système stellaire les vaisseaux du CECH Boyens, le vieil adversaire, ainsi que ceux des extraterrestres belliqueux. Et, même si Black Jack Geary, retour d’expédition dans l’espace inexploré, a plus d’un tour dans son sac pour venir...