Have yourself a crooked little Christmas with The Big Book of Christmas Mysteries. Edgar Award-winning editor Otto Penzler collects sixty of his all-time favorite holiday crime stories — many of which are difficult or nearly impossible to find anywhere else. From classic Victorian tales by Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Thomas Hardy, to contemporary stories by Sara Paretsky and Ed McBain, this collection touches on all aspects of the holiday season, and all types of mysteries. They are suspenseful, funny, frightening, and poignant. Included are puzzles by Mary Higgins Clark, Isaac Asimov, and Ngaio Marsh; uncanny tales in the tradition of A Christmas Carol by Peter Lovesey...
Given its extraordinary span, its international scope, and its variant styles and groundbreaking stylists, A Century of Great Suspense Stories is a singular achievement. A bestselling master of suspense himself Jeffery Deaver had the enviable task of selecting from the thousands of stories written over the past one hundred years those which best represented the classic form, as well as the justly celebrated authors whose ironic twists and stunning payoffs left a lasting, vivid, and unnerving impression. The result is a triumph. In this ambitious anthology you’ll revel in the sardonic, overtly amoral plotting of Patricia Highsmith. You’ll rediscover the strangely poignant and surprising...
Featuring the best from the modern masters of detective, intrigue, suspense, and mystery fiction
Nuclear brinksmanship. Psychological warfare. Spies, double agents, femme fatales, and dead drops. The Cold War—a terrifying time when nuclear war between the world’s two superpowers was an ever-present threat, an all-too-real possibility that could be set off at the touch of a button—provides a chilling backdrop to this collection of all-new short stories from today’s most celebrated mystery writers. Bestselling authors Jeffery Deaver and Raymond Benson—the only American writers to be commissioned to pen official James Bond novels—have joined forces to bring us twenty masterful tales of paranoia, espionage, and psychological drama. In Joseph Finder’s “Police Report,” the seemingly...
Nuclear brinksmanship. Psychological warfare. Spies, double agents, femme fatales, and dead drops. The Cold War ― a terrifying time when nuclear war between the world's two superpowers was an ever-present threat, an all-too-real possibility that could be set off at the touch of a button ― provides a chilling backdrop to this collection of all-new short stories from today's most celebrated mystery writers. Bestselling authors Jeffery Deaver and Raymond Benson ― the only American writers to be commissioned to pen official James Bond novels ― have joined forces to bring us twenty masterful tales of paranoia, espionage, and psychological drama. In Joseph Finder's "Police Report," the...
The enigmatic performer known as the Body Artist takes the stage at Chicago's Club Gouge and allows her audience to use her naked body as a canvas for their impromptu illustrations. V. I. Warshawski watches as people step forward, some meek, some bold, to make their mark. The evening takes a strange turn when one woman's sketch triggers a violent outburst from a man at a nearby table. Quickly subdued, the man – an Iraqi war vet – leaves the club. Days later, the woman is shot outside the club. She dies in V.I.'s arms, and the police move quickly to arrest the angry vet. A shooting in Chicago is nothing new, certainly not to V.I., who is hired by the vet's family to clear his name. As V.I....
La investigadora privada V. I. Warshawski, experta en kárate y tiradora mortal, es contratada por el vicepresidente de un importante banco de Chicago para que encuentre a la novia de su hijo Peter, misteriosamente desaparecida. Cuando Warshawski encuentra el cadáver de Peter, su cliente se esfuma. Sin embargo, la detective se niega a abandonar la investigación, y halla una pista que la convierte en la principal enemiga de una peligrosa organización integrada por asesinos a sueldo y pistoleros sin escrúpulos.
Victoria Warshawski debe averiguar quién es el padre de su amiga Caroline. Pero nadie quiere oír hablar de ello y su investigación choca con un extraño miedo al pasado en una truculenta historia de crimen y seducción familiar. Golpe de sangre es una novela en la más pura tradición del género policíaco, pero también, como siempre en su autora, una profunda mirada sobre la corrupción, el escándalo político y los dramas de familia. Victoria Warshawski, universitaria y radical, divorciada y treinteañera, hija de un policía de origen polaco y de una emigrante italiana que quiso ser cantante de ópera, es ya uno de los personajes más fascinantes de la novela negra.
Decimotercera novela de la serie de la comprometida investigadora privada Vic Warshawski. En esta ocasión, se involucra en un caso enraizado en los años sesenta, en plena efervescencia de la lucha por los derechos de la comunidad afroamericana Durante los disturbios raciales de 1967, cuando los blancos reaccionaron con dureza ante los planes de integración en los barrios, Lamont Gadsden desapareció sin dejar rastro. Años después, su anciana madre le encomienda el caso a Vic Warshawski. La detective se enfrentará a un periodo desagradable de la historia de su ciudad, en el que una marcha pacífica de Martin Luther King se saldó con la muerte de una joven negra, y lo que ella consideraba un...
Varios hoteles se incendian en el Chicago de las muchas razas e infinitas tramas. Nadie sabe por qué. ¿Algo huele a corrupción? Victoria Warshawski, la elegante, dura y original detective protagonista de las novelas de Sara Paretsky, jamás rehúye una causa noble, sobre todo si se trata de evitar la explotación de cualquier minoría étnica y de esa gran mayoría marginada que constituyen las mujeres.