Алекс, 17-годишно момиче с нелечим мозъчен тумор, изкачва сама планината Уакамау, за да се раздели с тленните останки на мъртвите си родители и да преосмисли живота си. Внезапно мощен енергиен срив разтърсва Земята и води до необратим катаклизъм. Голяма част от хората умират на място, а оцелелите започват да се променят по зловещ начин. Сред настъпилия хаос Алекс успява да намери спътници - Ели, осемгодишно момиченце, чийто дядо умира, и Том - млад войник, завърнал се от мисия в Афганистан. Във враждебната нова реалност тримата трябва да оцеляват ден за ден, докато разгадават какво точно се е случило и кои са враговете им. Краят на тази история е шокиращ и неочакван, но той е едва началото...
In the tradition ofMementoandInceptioncomes a thrilling and scary young adult novel about blurred reality where characters in a story find that a deadly and horrifying world exists in the space between the written lines. Seventeen-year-old Emma Lindsay has problems: a head full of metal, no parents, a crazy artist for a guardian whom a stroke has turned into a vegetable, and all those times when she blinks away, dropping into other lives so ghostly and surreal it's as if the story of her life bleeds into theirs. But one thing Emma has never doubted is that she's real. Then she writes "White Space," a story about these kids stranded in a spooky house during a blizzard. ...
[i]There are stories where the girl gets her prince, and they live happily ever after. (This is not one of those stories.)[/i] Jenna Lord's first sixteen years were not exactly a fairy tale. Her father is a controlling psycho and her mother is a drunk. She used to count on her older brother - until he shipped off to Iraq. And then, of course, there was the time she almost died in a fire. [i]There are stories where the monster gets the girl, and everyone cries for his innocent victim. (This is not one of those stories either.)[/i] Mitch Anderson is many things: A dedicated teacher and coach. A caring husband. A man with a certain... magnetism. [i]And there are stories where...
An anthology of stories edited by Loren L Coleman and Martin H Greenberg Sixteen original stories about magic-fueled crimes and those who investigate them When magic is used for criminal purposes, all sorts of ethical and logistical questions arise beyond the realm of everyday law and order. Now, sixteen top tale-tellers offer fascinating new stories of those who commit magic crimes, those who investigate them, and those who prosecute them. From a young woman who uses out-of-body excursions to research paranormal crimes to a bookie who's been paying for hex protection against magical interference to an artist who does divination through his sketched visions which may lead to a murderer's...
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