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[img]https://i122.fastpic.org/big/2023/0820/df/0b3f0829e72edb5984d3064f684ef9df.png[/img] [b]Зміст[/b]: Спрямовані в майбутнє - передмова [b]Валерія Земскова[/b]............5 Концерт Барокко - [b]Алехо Карпентьер[/b]..................................17 ...І попливли гроші - [b]Гільєрмо Атіас[/b].....................................65 Полковникові ніхто не пише - [b]Габрієль Гарсіа Маркес[/b].........147 Гонитва - [b]Хуліо Кортасар[/b]...................................................197 Аура - [b]Карлос Фуентес[/b]......................................................249 Щенята - [b]Маріо Варгас Льоса[/b].............................................279 Дві смерті Кінкаса Водожаха...

Замаскированные дни. Аура. Кукла-королева. Смерть Артемио Круса

Край безоблачной ясности


Карлос Фуэнтес — известный мексиканский писатель. Место действия романа — город Мехико, чья грандиозность, пестрота и многолюдье дают возможность писателю показать людей самых разных социальных слоев Мексики. Многие страницы романа посвящены событиям мексиканской революции 1910–1917 гг. Роман переводится на русский язык впервые.



Двадцать лет тому назад мексиканец Карлос Фуэнтес опубликовал свой первый сборник рассказов. С тех пор каждая его новая книга неизменно вызывает живой интерес не только на родине Фуэнтеса, но и за ее пределами. Прозаик, критик-эссеист, киносценарист, драматург, политический публицист, Фуэнтес стремится каждым своим произведением, к какому бы жанру оно ни принадлежало, уловить биение пульса своего времени.

Terra Nostra


One of the great masterpieces of modern Latin American fiction, "Terra Nostra" is concerned with nothing less than the history of Spain and of South America, with the Indian Gods and with Christianity, with the birth, the passion, and the death of civilizations. Fuentes skillfully blends a wide range of literary forms, stories within stories, Mexican and Spanish myth, and famous literary characters in this novel that is both a historical epic and an apocalyptic vision of modern times. "Terra Nostra" is that most ambitious and rare of creations-a total work of art.

The Orange Tree


In the five novellas that comprise The Orange Tree, Carlos Fuentes continues the passionate and imaginative reconstruction of past and present history that has distinguished Terra Nostra and The Campaign. From the story of Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean, to the fate of Hernan Cortes's two sons, to the destruction of the Spanish city of Numantia by the Romans and the annihilation of Hollywood by Acapulco, Fuentes couples the epic grandeur of the spiritual and the historical with the many pleasures of the flesh. "In The Orange Tree," he remarks, "I gather together not only all my most immediate sensual pleasures — I see, touch, peel, bite, swallow — but also the most primordial...



Where, Carlos Fuentes asks, is a modern-day vampire to roost? Why not Mexico City, populated by ten million blood sausages (that is, people), and a police force who won't mind a few disappearances? "Vlad" is Vlad the Impaler, of course, whose mythic cruelty was an inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. In this sly sequel, Vlad really is undead: dispossessed after centuries of mayhem by Eastern European wars and rampant blood shortages. More than a postmodern riff on "the vampire craze," Vlad is also an anatomy of the Mexican bourgeoisie, as well as our culture's ways of dealing with death. For-as in Dracula-Vlad has need of both a lawyer and a real-estate agent in order to establish his new...

Hydra Head


First published in 1978, this novel of international intrigue by Carlos Fuentes is set in Mexico, and features the Mexican secret service. It is the story of the attempt by the Mexican government to retain control of a recently discovered national oil field. Secret agents from Arab lands, Israel, and the United States attempt to wrest control of the source for their own purposes. In a plot thick with dirty tricks, violence, sex, amazing coincidences, and betrayals, the novel's movie-loving hero, Felix Maldonado, confronts the villains.

Myself with Others: Selected Essays


In Myself with Others, Fuentes has assembled essays reflecting three of the great elements of his work: autobiography, love of literature, and politics. They include his reflections on his beginning as a writer, his celebrated Harvard University commencement address, and his trenchant examinations of Cervantes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Borges.

Christopher Unborn


This inspired novel is narrated by the as yet unborn first child to be born on October 12, 1992, the five hundredth anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America; his conception and birth bracket the novel. A playfully savage masterpiece.