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Saxon lady


Her father had been dead merely a month, yet this usurper had moved in as if he had every right to do so. As if her father had never been lord here. “You think not, my lady?” Mathieu Fitz Autier took hold of her arm and led her roughly to the window. “Observe. All that you see is mine. You are vanquished, Saxon.” Aelia turned to slap his arrogant face, but he caught her hand and pressed it against the cool metal hauberk covering his chest. ’Twas a place where no normal heart pulsed, but a cold and cruel one. Yet he did not strike back. He lowered his head, his face, his lips coming but a breath away from hers. And then he kissed her. He slid his hands around her waist as he lowered his...

The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance


Twenty-five stories of timeless true love Time travel romance is not the same thing as sci-fi romance, though some stories may be set in an imagined future; it is romantic fiction set in various different eras, usually from around the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. A woman may fall asleep in Central Park in the present to wake up in the arms of a Scottish laird in the sixteenth century. The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance contains 25 stories of adventure and love; settings include medieval Scotland, sixteenth-century England, the nineteenth-century ‘Wild West’. Some stories are set in the present and a few in the future. Stories include an Elizabethan nobleman...

The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance


From some of the biggest names in Regency historical romance, 25 wickedly witty, lusciously romantic and sublimely sensual short stories. Stories replete with oversexed aristocrats, posturing courtesans and feuding dukes and duchesses tell of a beautiful lady awakened by a passion more powerful than anything she has ever known, one that could doom or save her; a disgraced rake who, given a final chance to redeem himself, discovers love has rules of its own; and a luscious young beauty fed up with proper tea parties and elegant balls who disguises herself to enjoy a soirée of uninhibited pleasure. As the passion mounts, so do the complications… Includes big name contributors such as...

The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance


What happens when an Irish god finds himself smitten by a beautiful mortal woman? When the Celtic gods dream of romance trouble abounds! Visit an Irish king tempted by the poetry of a sensuous wraith who blends the mythological and the historical so seamlessly he finds himself transported to a myth-laden Ireland of beasts and warriors — and entirely at her mercy. A forbidden love cursed by the saints causes two young lovers to magically shape-shift to freedom in an underground fairy Otherworld with disastrous results. A Celtic hero sets out on a treacherous sea journey to claim a dream woman. The rekindled ashes of an ancient desire between a fierce clansman and his lady find new light...

Уроки страсти


«Любовь, страсть, наслаждение греховны и непристойны», – внушали утонченной аристократке Кэтрин де Сен-Мари в монастыре. Однако отважный саксонский рыцарь Эдрик учит прелестную пленницу совсем иному. Настоящая любовь – счастье для мужчины и женщины, страсть и наслаждение прекрасны, если озарены ее светом… Но пожертвует ли Кэтрин ради любви богатством и положением в обществе? Согласится ли отринуть прошлое и довериться влюбленному в нее воину?..

Благодарная любовь


Жестокий шотландский лэрд похитил леди Изабель Луве, когда она собиралась избрать себе жениха. Красавицу ожидала страшная участь – разделить брачное ложе с безжалостным дикарем, пролившим кровь ее близких. Однако в последний момент ее спас легендарный рыцарь Анвре д'Арк, – воин, не знающий себе равных в мужестве и отваге. Изабель с первого взгляда полюбила своего спасителя. Но сэр Анвре, шрамы которого отпугивают женщин, отказывается верить в чувства прекрасной Изабель, принимая ее любовь за благодарность...