Tampa Bay joins Miami in representing the (alleged) Sunshine State in the Noir Series arena.
Для Эрдаса настали темные времена. Захватчики вот-вот освободят Великого Ково и завоюют весь мир. Абеке и Мейлин томятся в плену в ожидании неминуемой смерти. Небольшой отряд под предводительством Тарика готовится противостоять врагу. Но сумеет ли горстка храбрецов остановить Пожирателя? Новые друзья и новые, страшные недруги. Кто победит в схватке, цена которой – жизнь миллионов?..
Raja has been raised in captivity. Not behind the bars of a zoo, but within the confines of an American home. He was stolen when he was young to be someone's pet. Now he's grown up . . . and is about to be sent away again, to a place from which there will be no return. John grew up with Raja. The orangutan was his friend, his brother -- never his pet. But when John's parents split up and he moved across the country, he left Raja behind. Now Raja is suffering. There's one last chance to save Raja -- a chance that will force John to confront his fractured family and the captivity he's imposed on himself all of these years. Eliot Schrefer's last two novels, Endangered and Threatened,...
[i]Into the jungle. Into the wild. Into harm's way.[/i] When he was a boy, Luc's mother would warn him about the "mock men" living in the trees by their home -- chimpanzees whose cries would fill the night. Luc is older now, his mother gone. He lives in a house of mistreated orphans, barely getting by. Then a man calling himself Prof comes to town with a mysterious mission. When Luc tries to rob him, the man isn't mad. Instead, he offers Luc a job. Together, Luc and Prof head into the rough, dangerous jungle in order to study the elusive chimpanzees. There, Luc finally finds a new family -- and must act when that family comes under attack. As he did in his acclaimed novel...
Congo is a dangerous place, even for people who are trying to do good. When Sophie has to visit her mother at her sanctuary for bonobos, she’s not thrilled to be there. Then Otto, an infant bonobo, comes into her life, and for the first time she feels responsible for another creature. But peace does not last long for Sophie and Otto. When an armed revolution breaks out in the country, the sanctuary is attacked, and the two of them must escape unprepared into the jungle. Caught in the crosshairs of a lethal conflict, they must struggle to keep safe, to eat, and to live. In ENDANGERED, Eliot Schrefer plunges us into a heart-stopping exploration of the things we do to survive, the...
Никой не знае какво се случва зад вратите на училището за лоши момичета. Мисията е ясна — да приеме тези от вас, които създават проблеми и да ги превърне в модел за подражание. Методите? Без свобода. Без медицинска помощ. Без милост. Без изход. Заради безотговорното си поведение Анжела е изпратена в Хидън Оук — училище за лоши момичета. То изглежда по-скоро като самотен замък, откъснат от целия свят, дълбоко сред горите. А действителността няма нищо общо с рекламираната учебна програма. Новите момичета трябва да прекарат един месец в изолация от останалите. След време те започват да изчезват едно по едно. А разкритията за мистериозни смъртни случаи, когато Хидън...
Высший свет Америки. Тусовка «богатых и знаменитых», в которую НЕВОЗМОЖНО ПОПАСТЬ «человеку извне». Однако бывший студент Принстона, принявший выгодное предложение стать репетитором двух тинейджеров с Пятой авеню, постепенно становится своим в доме Тейеров… В доме, где глава семейства вечно «отсутствует по делам», а его не желающая стареть супруга УПРЯМО СОПЕРНИЧАЕТ с собственной шестнадцатилетней дочерью, флиртуя напропалую… В доме, где юный безвольный лоботряс не в силах правильно написать ни одного предложения, а его хамоватая сестра-пустышка озабочена только нарядами и вечеринками. И вот с таким «материалом» придется работать!