Найдено: 35

Решающая улика


Найджел Стрэнджвейс часто помогает полиции в раскрытии запутанных преступлений. В романе «Минута на убийство» он становится свидетелем отравления у всех на глазах симпатичной секретарши, а в романе «Решающая улика» расследует скандал в крупном лондонском издательстве.

«Улыбчивый с ножом». Дело о мерзком снеговике


Частный детектив Найджел Стрейнджуэйс и его «доктор Ватсон в юбке» – жена Джорджия, устав от треволнений своей профессии, решили поселиться в провинциальной глуши. Отныне они больше не ищут новых дел. Но новые дела находят их сами! Все началось с того, что Джорджия наткнулась на таинственный медальон, принадлежащий соседу Стрейнджуэйсов – майору Кестону. Майор ведет себя странно, и Найджел подозревает, что он может быть связан с контрабандистами. Вместе с женой Найджел начинает расследование – и вскоре приходит к шокирующему выводу: похоже, речь идет о государственной измене… Старинное имение Истерхэм потрясено: найдено тело сестры хозяина поместья. Полиция склонна предполагать...

Дальний выстрел


Частный детектив Найджел Стренжвейс приехал погостить в поместье старого друга, но и здесь нашлась работа для него — было совершено убийство…

Клятва Люка Болдуина


Описание: Приключенческие и детективные повести для подростков. Иллюстрация на обложке и внутренние иллюстрации М. Петрова. Содержание: Морли Каллаген. Клятва Люка Болдуина (повесть, перевод Н. Емельянниковой, иллюстрации М.Ф. Петрова), стр. 3-130 С. Дей Льюис. Происшествие в Оттербери (повесть, перевод Т. Порфирьевой, В. Рамзеса, иллюстрации М.Ф. Петрова), стр. 131-226 Ана Мария Матуте. Безбилетный пассажир (повесть, перевод С. Ваф, иллюстрации М.Ф. Петрова), стр. 227-308 Уолтер Мэккин. Голуби улетели (повесть, перевод Н. Высоцкой, иллюстрации М.Ф. Петрова), стр. 309-434 И.С. Чернявская....

The Worm of Death


Several days after private detective and poet Nigel Strangeways dines with Dr Piers Loudon and his family, the doctor vanishes, only for his legless corpse to be fished out of the river Thames. When his family ask Nigel to protect their interests during the police investigation, it soon becomes apparent that each member of the deceased's family, from his adopted son to his daughter's unpleasant fiancée, had a strong motive for killing him. As the winter fog swirls outside, Nigel must find his way through a maze of conflicting stories, missing diaries and red herrings.

A Tangled Web aka Death and Daisy Bland


A chance meeting in a London street in the 1950s... and fate is sealed for carefree cat burglar Hugo Chesterman and Daisy Bland, the girl eager to become his mistress. When a police offer is murdered in Brighton, though, neither is prepared for the suspicion that falls upon them.

A Question of Proof


The annual Sports Day at respected public school Sudeley Hall ends in tragedy when the headmaster's obnoxious nephew is found strangled in a haystack. The boy was despised by staff and students alike, but English master Michael Evans, who was seen sharing a kiss with the headmaster's beautiful young wife earlier that day, soon becomes a prime suspect for the murder. Luckily, his friend Nigel Strangeways, nephew to the Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard, is on hand to help investigate the case.

The Dreadful Hollow


This is an excellent mystery featuring Nigel Strangeways, who is called upon to investigate poison pen letters that have been disturbing a village. There is an interesting cast of characters, including a beautiful, paralyzed woman and a vicar with a sad secret. There are hidden conflicts with friends and family members and a dramatic conclusion. The author tends to stereotype the villagers as being greatly different from the gentry, which seems to be a common English theme. However,the Chantry and Blick families are very well described and unique.Their personalities can be clearly seen. A very readable mystery.

The Morning After Death


Private detective and poet Nigel Strangeways is staying at Cabot University, an Ivy League university near Boston, while he undertakes some research. There he encounters the Ahlberg brothers - Chester, Assistant Senior Tutor in the Business School, Mark, who lectures in the English Faculty and their half-brother, Josiah, a professor of Classics. When one of the brothers is found murdered, the local police request Nigel's help in catching the killer, but little does Nigel know just how close he is to the murderer. Nicholas Blake was the pseudonym of Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis, who was born in County Laois, Ireland in 1904. After his mother died in 1906, he was brought up in London...

The Private Wound


In the West of Ireland in 1939 a young novelist rents a lonely cottage to write his new book in peace. Almost at once, and without great resistance, he is seduced by the wife of the local squire. Harriet's husband is an older man - hot-tempered, impoverished, gone to seed - who once fought famously against the Black and Tans. Soon this eternal triangle becomes a local scandal, and the atmosphere of threat and violence, intensified by the approaching war in Europe, leads to a horrific murder. The Private Wound is Nicholas Blake's last book, written with such intensity of feeling and depth of character that it is widely regarded as his best. "Really splendid. When they come round to...