Найдено: 18

Сны поездов


Ещё одна история одиночества в толпе, история жизни, мелькнувшей как предутренний сон.

Дымовое древо


Это история Шкипа Сэндса – шпиона, сотрудника Отдела психологических операций, действующего во Вьетнаме,– и всех тех несчастий, которые ждут его из-за знаменитого дяди Шкипа, ветерана войны, известного в кругах разведки просто как Полковник. А еще это история братьев Хьюстон, Билла и Джеймса, которых судьба занесла из аризонской пустыни на войну, где грань между дезинформацией и умопомешательством окончательно размылась и отделить правду от иллюзии практически невозможно. Это история тайных организаций, безумия джунглей и бесконечного одиночества, не похожая ни на что в современной американской литературе.

Сны поездов


Соединяя в себе, подобно древнему псалму, печаль и свет, книга признанного классика современной американской литературы Дениса Джонсона (1949–2017) рассказывает историю Роберта Грэйньера, отшельника поневоле, жизнь которого, охватив почти две трети ХХ века, прошла среди холмов, рек и железнодорожных путей Северного Айдахо. Это повесть о мире, в который, несмотря на переполняющие его страдания, то и дело прорывается надмирная красота: постичь, запечатлеть, выразить ее словами не под силу главному герою – ее может свидетельствовать лишь кто-то, свободный от помыслов и воспоминаний, от тревог и надежд, от речи, от самого языка. Таким мог бы быть сон, привидевшийся поезду, – если бы поезда...

Иисусов сын


Денис Джонсон начинал как поэт, опубликовал несколько сборников стихов, писал романы, получал премии, но по-настоящему прославился после этой книги рассказов. Главный герой «Иисусова сына» – алкоголик и наркоман, ненадежный, но предельно откровенный рассказчик. Он совершает сомнительные поступки и ждет от себя вещей похуже, путается и сбивается – но временами видит мир с ясностью прозрения.

The Best American Short Stories® 2015


In his introduction to this one hundredth volume of the beloved Best American Short Stories, guest editor T. C. Boyle writes, "The Model T gave way to the Model A and to the Ferrari and the Prius . . . modernism to postmodernism and post-postmodernism. We advance. We progress. We move on. But we are part of a tradition." Boyle's choices of stories reflect a vibrant range of characters, from a numb wife who feels alive only in the presence of violence to a new widower coming to terms with his sudden freedom, from a missing child to a champion speedboat racer. These stories will grab hold and surprise, which according to Boyle is "what the best fiction offers, and there was no shortage of...



Hailed by the New York Times as "wildly ambitious" and "the sort of book that a young Herman Melville might have written had he lived today and studied such disparate works as the Bible, 'The Wasteland,' Fahrenheit 451, and Dog Soldiers, screened Star Wars and Apocalypse Now several times, dropped a lot of acid and listened to hours of Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones," Fiskadoro is a stunning novel of an all-too-possible tomorrow. Deeply moving and provacative, Fiskadoro brilliantly presents the sweeping and heartbreaking tale of the survivors of a devastating nuclear war and their attempts to salvage remnants of the old world and rebuild their culture.

The Stars at Noon


Set in Nicaragua in 1984, The Stars at Noon is a story of passion, fear, and betrayal told in the voice of an American woman whose mission in Central America is as shadowy as her surroundings. Is she a reporter for an American magazine as she sometimes claims, or a contact person for Eyes of Peace? And who is the rough English businessman with whom she becomes involved? As the two foreigners become entangled in increasingly sinister plots, Denis Johnson masterfully dramatizes a powerful vision of spiritual bereavement and corruption.

New American Stories


Ben Marcus, one of the most innovative and vital writers of this generation, delivers a stellar anthology of the best short fiction being written today in America. In New American Stories, the beautiful, the strange, the melancholy, and the sublime all comingle to show the vast range of the American short story. In this remarkable anthology, Ben Marcus has corralled a vital and artistically singular crowd of contemporary fiction writers. Collected here are practitioners of deep realism, mind-blowing experimentalism, and every hybrid in between. Luminaries and cult authors stand side by side with the most compelling new literary voices. Nothing less than the American short story...



The most critically acclaimed, and first, of Denis Johnson's novels, Angels puts Jamie Mays — a runaway wife toting along two kids — and Bill Houston — ex-Navy man, ex-husband, ex-con — on a Greyhound Bus for a dark, wild ride cross country. Driven by restless souls, bad booze, and desperate needs, Jamie and Bill bounce from bus stations to cheap hotels as they ply the strange, fascinating, and dangerous fringe of American life. Their tickets may say Phoenix, but their inescapable destination is a last stop marked by stunning violence and mind-shattering surprise. Denis Johnson, known for his portraits of America's dispossessed, sets off literary pyrotechnics on this highway odyssey,...

The Laughing Monsters


Denis Johnson’s The Laughing Monsters is a high-suspense tale of kaleidoscoping loyalties in the post-9/11 world that shows one of our great novelists at the top of his game. Roland Nair calls himself Scandinavian but travels on a U.S. passport. After ten years’ absence, he returns to Freetown, Sierra Leone, to reunite with his friend Michael Adriko. They once made a lot of money here during the country’s civil war, and, curious to see whether good luck will strike twice in the same place, Nair has allowed himself to be drawn back to a region he considers hopeless. Adriko is an African who styles himself a soldier of fortune and who claims to have served, at various times, the...