In this crime drama, set in Bergen, Norway, detective Varg Veum's adventures take him into a dark world of privileged citizens who have been drawn into cross-dressing, drugs, and prostitution. When the local judge is discovered dead and clad only in women's lingerie in a luxury hotel, Varg is called in to explain the judge's death. Soon, when a teenage girl suddenly goes missing and her parents ask that he find her,Varg finds that all of the clues lead him deeper into Bergen's criminal underworld.
It's 1998. Varg Veum sits by the hospital bedside of his long-term girlfriend, Karin, whose life-threatening injuries provide a deeply painful reminder of the mistakes he's made. Investigating the seemingly innocent disappearance of a wind-farm inspector, Varg Veum is thrust into one of the most challenging cases of his career, riddled with conflicts, environmental terrorism, religious fanaticism, unsolved mysteries and dubious business ethics. Then the first body appears - tied to a cross, facing the mouth of the fjord. In a chilling, timeless story of love, revenge and desire - deftly interwoven with contemporary issues, in a stunning plot that will leave you gripped to the final page -...
On a frosty January day in Bergen, private detective Varg Veum is visited by a prostitute whose friend has disappeared. Before her disappearance, something had unsettled her: she'd turned away a customer and returned to the neighborhood in terror. Shortly after taking the case, Veum finds the first body - and it won't be the last either. His investigation leads him into a dark subculture where corrupted idealism has had deadly consequences.
"A Norwegian Chandler." - Jo Nesbø First published in Norwegian in 1979, it was described by the critic Nils Nordberg as 'one of the finest, most serious, most ambitious books in post-war Norwegian crime writing'. The single-mother families of the isolated community under the shadow of the Pyderhorn, Bergen's greatest mountain, are being terrorised by a teenage gang. But teenage violence is nothing compared to what awaits detective Varg Veum when he gets to know the blue-eyed Wenche Andersen.
"One of my very favorite Scandinavian authors...a series with very sharp teeth." - Ian Rankin September 1977. Mette Misvar, a three-year-old girl, disappears without trace from the sandpit outside her home. Her tiny, close middle-class community in the tranquil suburb of Nordas is devastated, but their enquiries and the police produce nothing. Curtains twitch, suspicions are raised, but Mette is never found. Almost 25 years later, as the expiry date for the statute of limitations draws near, Mette's mother approaches PI Varg Veum in a last, desperate attempt to find out what happened to her daughter. As Veum starts to dig, he uncovers an intricate web of secrets, lies and shocking...
Произведения трех скандинавских писателей объединяют оригинальность, «неизбитость» сюжета и мастерское использование классических приемов детективного жанра. Надеемся, что сборник станет открытием даже для самого искушенного читателя.
Авторът на двата романа, които се предлагат в тази книга, е вече изявен представител на норвежката литература, доказал таланта и будния си социален усет в произведения, популярни сред най-широк читателски кръг не само в родната му страна, а и извън нея. Причината за тази популярност е не само находчиво изградената и сама по себе си занимателна криминална интрига, която характеризира романите на Столесен: внимателен наблюдател на действителността около него, този сравнително млад писател я пресъздава с голямо познаване и в дълбочина, засяга сериозна и обществено валидна проблематика. В първия от двата романа тук той разкрива безизходицата на западната младеж, социалните условия, които я...
В очередной выпуск сборника вошли три романа-детектива: "Смерть и семь немых свидетелей", написанный чешской писательницей Анной Бауэровой, "Ночью все волки серы" - известного норвежского писателя, автора многих детективов Гуннара Столесена и роман "Ты только отыщи его..." англичанина Джеймса Хедли Чейза, чье творчество имеет многочисленных поклонников во всем мире. Содержание: Анна Бауэрова. Смерть и семь немых свидетелей (перевод А. Диордиенко) Гуннар Столесен. Ночью все волки серы (перевод Э. Панкратовой, Е. Алексеевой) Джеймс Хедли Чейз. «Ты только отыщи его...» (перевод В. Постникова)
«Ночью все волки серы» — роман известного норвежского писателя, автора многих детективов Гуннара Столесена.