When a personal tragedy destroys her hopes for fame as a dancer on Earth, Rain McLeod volunteers for the Starseed Foundation, a symbiotic lifeform that enables her to defy the laws of gravity in space.
Shara Drummond goes to space, where her life is devoted to creating a weightless artform that is to dance as three dimensions are to two. Then aliens arrive, beings of pure light who dance forever between the stars. Their dancing is a form of communication as far beyond language as language is beyond the grunting of apes.
Desperate to stop the assassin, Jay left the tech hole at full thruster power. As he came around the curve he saw the guards he had passed moments earlier, drifting with the air-currents. He wanted to decelerate to a stop and peer cautiously into the tunnel before entering it—but was traveling so fast he’d have had to overshoot it and beat back, and he didn’t have time. Instead he threw himself into a power turn and rocketed right into it at max acceleration. That probably saved his life. The assassin was still in the tunnel, waiting to scrag Jay the moment his head showed. But Jay arrived like a right hook, smashing solidly into him before he could fire. The assassin was a very...
Shara Drummond ama talmente la danza da trasferirsi nello spazio pur di continuare a danzare. E oltre ad inventare una nuova forma d’arte riuscirà anche a sventare un’invasione aliena. Vincitore dei premi Hugo e Nebula per il miglior romanzo breve (Novella) in 1978.
"Звездный танец" по праву считается одним из лучших романов о первом контакте, созданных за последние два десятилетия. Повесть, из которой вырос роман, произвела истинный фурор среди ценителей жанра и была удостоена трех высших наград в Области фантастики: Хьюго-78, Небьюла-77 и Локус-78.