USA Today & Award-Winning Authors present 1600 pages of Romance, Adventure, English Lords and Highland Warriors. Welcome to More Dangerous Heroes. If you enjoyed the first Dangerous Heroes collection, you’ll love this one. Bold, larger-than-life heroes are irresistible. Dark and dashing, they stride across the page, setting hearts ablaze as they whisk you away on thrilling journeys of adventure, passion, danger, and love. Join them and their equally daring heroines as they lead you across mist-swept moors and moon-silvered seas, into the torch-lit great halls of medieval castles, and even along cobbled alleys in Regency London. The Time Traveler’s Desire - Amy Jarecki A man’s...
What happens when an Irish god finds himself smitten by a beautiful mortal woman? When the Celtic gods dream of romance trouble abounds! Visit an Irish king tempted by the poetry of a sensuous wraith who blends the mythological and the historical so seamlessly he finds himself transported to a myth-laden Ireland of beasts and warriors — and entirely at her mercy. A forbidden love cursed by the saints causes two young lovers to magically shape-shift to freedom in an underground fairy Otherworld with disastrous results. A Celtic hero sets out on a treacherous sea journey to claim a dream woman. The rekindled ashes of an ancient desire between a fierce clansman and his lady find new light...
Кому могло прийти в голову взять в жены мечтательную Линнет Макдоннел – самую незаметную из семи красавиц сестер? Только – «дьяволу» шотландских гор Дункану Маккензи, разбойнику и буяну, которого молва обвиняла в страшном преступлении и за которого не пошла бы ни одна девушка. Однако, возможно, сама судьба ведет их к алтарю. Сама судьба дарит счастье страстному, отважному мужчине, созданному, чтобы любить, – и нежной юной женщине, созданной, чтобы быть любимой!