Establishing an economic symbiosis between species isn’t easy, but it can be worth the effort.
Music hath charms, all right—but charm is in the ear of the beholder!
When they surrendered their hands, they surrendered their humanity. They are the elite of the medical profession. They can manipulate flesh and blood without surgical tools. They can mend wounds and extract disease with with the power of their minds. They live in isoloation, shuttled from emergency to emergency. They are the Bergmann Surgeons… Dr. Gregory Marchey allowed MedArm to replace his hands and forearms with silver limbs. His own flesh and bone seemed a small price to pay for the ability to navigate through the bodies of the ailing with a phantom touch. But his special gifts are met with distrust from both his patients and peers, leaving him separated from mankind. Then...
For a researcher, “When in Rome…” can’t take on decidedly peculiar meanings!
There are standard protocols for job-hunting, but things don’t always work that way…
Almost anything can be a qualification for some job!
Scientific and technological advances offer lots of new choices—of which one of the most important is one of the least obvious.
Most people have a vision of what thay consider success—but the real thing may be very different from their preconceived notions!
ФАНТАСТИКА Ежемесячный журнал Содержание: Майк Резник. СЕКРЕТНАЯ ФЕРМА, рассказ Стивен Бернс. НАДО ЖЕ, ЛЕТИТ! рассказ Джеймс Ван Пелт. ИНФОМАН, рассказ Жан-Клод Диньак. ОРХИДЕИ В НОЧИ, рассказ Брайан Олдисс. ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ИГРУШКИ НА ВСЁ ПРОШЛОЕ ЛЕТО, рассказ Видеодром *Тема --- Андрей Вяткин. «СНОВА ЧЕРНЫЕ СИЛЫ РОЮТ МИРУ МОГИЛУ» (статья) *За кадром --- Дмитрий Байкалов. ТРИНАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ СПУСТЯ (статья) *Рецензии *Интервью --- Владимир Хотиненко «Я БЕЗУСЛОВНО ДОВЕРЯЮ СУДЬБЕ» Леонид Кудрявцев. КУКУШОНОК, рассказ Далия Трускиновская. МАРШРУТ ОККАМА, повесть Евгений Харитонов. АТАМАНША (статья) ...
Getting what you want is largely a matter of knowing where to look—and that’s hard to know until you’ve been there!