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Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-F series


The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was one of the truly world class piston-engined fighters of World War II. This reputation rests largely with the E and F variants, which bore the brunt of the Luftwaffe's most important operations in World War II and shot down tens of thousands of Allied aircraft in the Battle of Britain, the Blitzkriegs across Europe and on the Eastern Front. This volume looks at the design and development history of these formidable warplanes, with a meticulous technical focus to reveal why the types were so effective. It explores the long process of tweaks to the E variant, and solutions to the many initial technical problems with the F, and how this development helped Willy...

Messerschmitt Bf 109 A-D series


From the nascent days of the Spanish Civil War to the desperate, final defence of the stricken Reich, the Messerchmitt Bf 109 was the Luftwaffe's signature fighter. From the very beginning of its combat career it came to symbolize what could be achieved with a modern monoplane fighter aircraft, instilling fear and respect into Allied pilots wherever it was encountered. 35,000 of the ubiquitous Messerschmitts were eventually built, making it the most-produced fighter in history. This is the first Air Vanguard volume to cover the Bf 109, detailing models A-D. Featuring stunning aerial photos the title explores in depth the technical characteristics and combat performance of the early Bf 109s,...

От «Барбароссы» до «Терминала»: Взгляд с Запада


В сборник включены яркие отрывки из не издававшихся в Советском Союзе книг известных западных историков, журналистов, дипломатов: Р. Джексона, Б. Лиддел Гарта, А. Кларка, У. Крейга, Д. Орджилла, Э. Стеттиниуса и других, — в которых рассказывается о роли СССР в разгроме гитлеровской Германии, о подвиге советского народа, мастерстве советских полководцев, героизме и стойкости советских людей. Объективные свидетельства зарубежных авторов убедительно показывают решающий вклад советского народа в разгром германского фашизма. Книга рассчитана на массового читателя.