Найдено: 7

Wolf Man


In this eagerly awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed Wolf Pack, Lone Wolf, and Cry Wolf, author Edo van Belkom once again takes the reader to the mysterious world of wolves and werewolves. A near fight-to-the-death between Argus and a wild wolf might have saved a little girl’s life, but it has also created something new and very, very deadly. Fully recovered, the wild wolf now returns in Wolf Man as a savage werewolf bent on terrorizing the town of Redstone and taking what it needs to feed itself and its hungry pack. When a mountain man’s pet dog and livestock are viciously murdered, he convinces the town to take up arms to defend themselves against a pack of killer wolves. But along...

Cry Wolf


The four teenage werewolves are back in their newest episode, a little older and a little more compromised by their approaching adulthood. This time, they are the target of Jake MacKinnon and Maria Abruzzo’s desire for revenge. At an end-of-term party, Jake spikes Noble’s drink, turning it into an almost lethal drug cocktail. While Noble is sidelined, events take a disastrous turn. Maria Abruzzo’s young sister goes missing, and despite their dislike for Maria, the pack does the right thing by trying to find the girl. As it happens, she has simply snuck off without permission to be with some boys. Everyone, including the police and the pack, is happy she is safe, but are less than pleased...

Lone Wolf


Noble, Harlan, Argus, and their sister, Tora, are werewolves. When Ranger Brock found them in the forest after a fire, he thought they were human babies. Even when he and his wife realized that the infants were part wolf, they were determined to raise them as normal children. In Lone Wolf, a sequel to Wolf Pack, the quartet, now in their teens, face the same challenges as everyone else their age: Tora wants desperately to be chosen for the school play. Harlan, who is smaller than his siblings, is the victim of a bully, and Argus wants to help his little brother but knows it would humiliate him. Daily problems are pushed aside when the foursome must unite against a common enemy; an...

Wolf Pack


[b]Finalists for the 2005 Aurora Award – Best Long-Form Work in English category.[/b] After a devastating forest fire, a ranger discovers a litter of wolf cubs. He and his wife soon learn that they are no ordinary wolves. They are both animal and human. Although the young ones try to fit into the human world, their true nature makes the challenges of being teenagers all the more difficult. When one of the pack is kidnapped, the others must draw on both sides of their nature – human and wolf – to find the cunning, the strength, and the courage it takes to rescue her. Edo van Belkom has created unlikely but compelling heroes in a book that is by turns funny, frightening, and always...

Lord Soth



Сила Зла велика — и велика сила рок-н-ролла. Какова же будет сила Зла, воплощенная в силе рок-н-ролла?! Перед вами — одна из любимейших книг самого Элиса Купера «Шок-рок». Сборник рассказов, в которых рок-н-ролл становится орудием Зла. Зла темного, властного, убийственного — и мучительно-притягательного! Зла, противостоять которому — НЕВОЗМОЖНО. Перед вами — Стивен Кинг и Эдо ван Белком, Рекс Миллер, Нэнси Коллинз — и многие, многие авторы, давно уже ставшие подлинной «золотой классикой» литературы «ужасов». Читайте. Дрожите!!! Наслаждайтесь!!! В сборник вошли отдельные рассказы из западных антологий «Шок-рок» (Shock Rock, 1992) и «Шок-рок II» (Shock Rock II,...

Струна на пределе


Гитарист Джонни Вайолент, перед концертом, в припадке гнева, душит жену гитарной струной…