This seventh installment of the premier mystery anthology boasts pulse-quickening stories from all reaches of the genre, selected by the world-renowned mystery writer Michael Connelly. His choices include a Prohibition-era tale of a scorned lover’s revenge, a Sherlock Holmes inspired mystery solved by an actor playing the famous detective onstage, stories of a woman’s near-fatal search for self-discovery, a bar owner’s gutsy attempt to outwit the mob, and a showdown between double-crossing detectives, and a tale of murder by psychology. This year’s edition features mystery favorites as well as talented up-and-comers, for a diverse collection sure to thrill all readers.
An anthology of stories This one-of-a-kind collection features stories from some of the biggest names in mystery and fantasy-blending the genres into a unique hybrid where PIs may wear wizard's robes and criminals may really be monsters. Sit in on a modern-day witch's trial, visit the halls of a magical boarding school with murder on the curriculum, spend some time with Sookie Stackhouse, visit London 's hidden world of the Nightside, and become spellbound with eight more tales of magical mystery.