Roswell, UFOs and the Unusual is a book about all those things told by the man who has spent decades studying them. It is a book that provides new information about the Roswell UFO crash, as well as other UFO crashes, analysis of alien abductions, mysterious disappearances, UFO photographs, and many of the mysteries of the past. The research was not conducted sitting at home using the Internet nor was it conducted in libraries reading what others had written. It was done on the scene of many of the mysteries discussed and told by the people who were there at the time. Roswell, UFOs and the Unusual is a compendium of research, opinion, analysis, and evidence brought together to...
Just as the first wave of flying saucer sightings ended in the summer of 1947, the military began a project to investigate those reports. For twenty-two years, the Air Force attempted to learn what it could about the phenomena they called UFOs. During those years, they investigated more than twelve-thousand sightings including landings, occupant reports, photographs, radar cases, and intercepts by military jet fighters. In many instances plausible explanations were advanced, but nearly one-thousand sightings were marked as unidentified. More importantly, some reports are tagged with labels that don't fit the facts. Too many witnesses were ignored, too much evidence was overlooked, too much...
In Roswell, New Mexico, in early July 1947, something strange happened. Something crashed. Col.William Blanchard of the Roswell Army Air Field told Lt.Walter Haut, the Public Information Officer, to alert the local media. Haut produced a short press release that said that members of the 509th Bomb Group, there in Roswell, had recovered the wreckage of a flying saucer. Haut took the press release into town, delivered it to both newspapers and radio stations, and then went home for lunch. Hours later Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey, photographed in front of some debris in his office at Eighth Air Force Headquarters, said that all the excitement was unwarranted. Nothing had been found but a...
Уфологи перестали заниматься сбором сведений, поступающих oт неискушенных свидетелей. Современная наука вооружила их прогрессивными методами изучения НЛО и связанных с ними паранормальных явлений. В своей книге Кевин Рэндл приводит последние данные о новейших исследованиях в области уфологии, а также рассматривает ставшие классическими случаи появления неопознанных летающих объектов на Земле.