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Хранителі книги


Сараєво, 1996. Ханна Гіт досліджує середньовічний манускрипт — Сараєвську Агаду. Між його сторінок вона знаходить фрагмент крильця метелика, дрібку солі, білу волосинку, які занурюють читачів в історії людей, що зберігали Книгу протягом століть. Несподівано манускрипт викликає інтерес у влади Боснії й агента Моссаду, і жінка опиняється у вирі політичних інтриг, які має розплутати.

Год чудес


Роковой 1665 год, Великая лондонская чума расползается по стране. Вместе с зараженным тюком ткани она попадает в удаленную деревушку. Болезнь перебирается из дома в дом, жители деревни могут только молиться. Противостоять напасти способны лишь немногие, среди них служанка Анна Фрит. Не подверженная заразе, она становится целительницей. А сельчане тем временем переходят от молитв к охоте на ведьм. Вместе с женой местного священника Анна борется не только с чумой, но и с безумием, распространяющимся среди жителей деревни. Благодаря самоотверженности двух женщин год катастрофы оборачивается годом чудес. Роман вдохновлен реальными событиями, произошедшими в деревне Иэм в суровой холмистой...

The Best American Short Stories® 2011


The Best American series is the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction and nonfiction. Each volume's series editor selects notable works from hundreds of magazines, journals, and websites. A special guest editor, a leading writer in the field, then chooses the best twenty or so pieces to publish. This unique system has made the Best American series the most respected - and most popular - of its kind.

The Idea of Home


A compelling Boyer Lecture from Australian literary sensation Geraldine Brooks. For theBoyer Lecture 2011, best-selling author and journalist Geraldine Brooks tackles the topic of the Idea of Home. Drawing on her personal experience from being an adolescent pen pal to being a foreign correspondent in some of the world's most dangerous countries to being a writer of several award winning books including the Pulitzer Prize winner, March, Brooks reflects on what it means to be both a global citizen and a novelist at home in an increasingly fractured world. the individual lectures are: Our Only Home, A Home on Bland Street, A Writer at Home and At Home in the World

People of the Book


From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of March, the journey of a rare illuminated manuscript through centuries of exile and war In 1996, Hanna Heath, an Australian rare-book expert, is offered the job of a lifetime: analysis and conservation of the famed Sarajevo Haggadah, which has been rescued from Serb shelling during the Bosnian war. Priceless and beautiful, the book is one of the earliest Jewish volumes ever to be illuminated with images. When Hanna, a caustic loner with a passion for her work, discovers a series of tiny artifacts in its ancient binding--an insect wing fragment, wine stains, salt crystals, a white hair--she begins to unlock the book's mysteries. The reader is...

Nine Parts of Desire


Geraldine Brooks spent two years as a Middle East news correspondent, covering the death of Khomeini and the like. She also learned a lot about what it's like for Islamic women today. Brooks' book is exceedingly well-done--she knows her Islamic lore and traces the origins of today's practices back to Mohammed's time. Personable and very readable, Brooks takes us through the women's back door entrance of the Middle East for an unusual and provocative view.

The Secret Chord


[b]"A page turner. . .Brooks is a master at bringing the past alive. . .in her skillful hands the issues of the past echo our own deepest concerns: love and loss, drama and tragedy, chaos and brutality." - Alice Hoffman, The Washington Post[/b] A rich and utterly absorbing novel about the life of King David, from the Pulitzer Prize - winning author of People of the Book and March. With more than two million copies of her novels sold, New York Times bestselling author Geraldine Brooks has achieved both popular and critical acclaim. Now, Brooks takes on one of literature's richest and most enigmatic figures: a man who shimmers between history and legend. Peeling away the myth to bring...

Foreign Correspondence


After finding her childhood pen pals' letters, the foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal embarks on a treasure hunt to locate distant friends and memories.

Year of Wonders


A young woman's struggle to save her family and her soul during the most extraordinary year of 1666, when plague suddenly visited a small Derbyshire village and the villagers, inspired by a charismatic preacher, elected to quarantine themselves to limit the contagion.

Год испытаний


Когда весной 1666 года в деревне Им в графстве Дербишир начинается эпидемия чумы, ее жители принимают мужественное решение изолировать себя от внешнего мира, чтобы страшная болезнь не перекинулась на соседние деревни и города. Анна Фрит, молодая вдова и мать двоих детей, — главная героиня романа, из уст которой мы узнаем о событиях того страшного года.