The second in a series of story groupings based upon a pre-existing work of art, in this case a Richard Anderson painting. The first such group, The Palencar Project, was published by in 2012. Judith Moffett is a poet, biographer, and SF writer who somehow manages to blend all these passions in a story about a new art form involving the science of dreaming, and interpreting dreams, and art. Give a poet a painting to write a story about and you get “Space Ballet”, in which students at the Center for Dream Research struggle to interpret a cryptic precognitive dream, a group effort that may avert a disaster. Kathleen Ann Goonan’s stories and novels often evoke a deep desire for...
Once again, the finest short-form sf offerings of the year have been collected in a single volume. With Year's Best SF 17, acclaimed, award-winning editors and anthologists David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer demonstrate the amazing depth and power of contemporary speculative fiction, showcasing astonishing stories from some of the genre's most respected names as well as exciting new writers to watch. Prepare to travel light years from the ordinary into a tomorrow at once breathtaking, frightening, and possible, with tales of wonder from: Elizabeth Bear Gregory Benford Neil Gaiman Nancy Kress Michael Swanwick and others.
This ingenious anthology posits that fantasy fiction is on a new path: series novels that chronicle epic adventures have been joined by tales where mythology, fairy tales, and archetypes are fully re-imagined into a new modern literature. Anthologist and author Peter S. Beagle represents both the traditional and the new, having written the introduction to The Lord of the Rings as well as the inventive fantasy novel, The Last Unicorn. In this exciting, canonic volume, Beagle showcases gifted writers who began to rediscover older fantasy classics and to redefine fantasy in their own unique voices. Innovative authors in this anthology include Robert Holdstock, Gregory Maguire, Neal Gaiman,...
Впервые под одной обложкой лучшие научно-фантастические повести и рассказы последних лет! Возрождению жанра в его традиционном понимании посвящают себя такие мастера, как Артур Кларк, Брюс Стерлинг, Дэвид Брин, Вернор Виндж, Фредерик Пол и многие другие. Уникальная альтернативная реальность, созданная силой их воображения, завораживает читателя масштабными космическими сражениями и чудесами невероятных научных открытий. Таинственные инопланетные миры и загадочные порождения киберпространства, достижения суперинтеллекта и человеческого духа — на страницах новой антологии серии «Лучшее»! Блистательная современная проза Ренессанса научной фантастики! Большинство произведений впервые...