Барри Лонгиер знаком отечественному читателю по эпическому циклу «Враг мой». Но теперь перед вами — Барри Лонгиер в ИНОМ АМПЛУА! Веселые, озорные приключения людей из последнего земного цирка! Людей, бежавших с Земли, потерпевших крушение и обживших планету Мом! Людей, даже не представлявших, что однажды их радостный Мир-Цирк станет объектом борьбы двух противоборствующих сил Вселенной! Однако неунывающие циркачи способны найти выход из самой безвыходной ситуации. Перед вами — произведение в духе ранних Гаррисона и Шекли! Циркачи могут умирать, но шоу должно продолжаться вечно! Весь цикл состоит из трех очень разных книг. Первая книга — это сборник рассказов о мире циркачей, в котором...
Barry B Longyear, author of “Enemy Mine” (September 1979), is still the only author to win the Nebula, Hugo, and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in the same year. After a very long absence, we are delighted to welcome him back to the pages of Asimov’s with “The Advocate.” The author tells us this story follows his philosophy of “‘writing jujitsu,’ which involves taking all those things preventing one’s writing and turning them into stories. Using a Palm TE2, this tale was written almost entirely in hospitals and doctors’ waiting rooms.”
Known best (unfortunately, he feels) for the motion picture Enemy Mine, Barry Longyear wrote “Alten Kameraden” after reading a description of a historically significant crime scene and realizing that what was reputed to have taken place there couldn’t have happened the way the experts said it did. Inspired by yet another misunderstood historical crime scene, Barry is currently at work on a Civil War vampire novel.
In a near future paleo geological expedition, Gordon Redcliff was the project's main security asset: a sniper. He was also a savant at learning languages which is why he was picked to replace an injured member to go back in time to the last ice age with the warning to change nothing, not even a grain of sand, that might alter the future. And then something went wrong . . .