What are the ingredients of a hard-boiled detective story? “Savagery, style, sophistication, sleuthing, and sex,” said Ellery Queen. Often a desperate blond, a jealous husband, and, of course, a tough-but-tender P.I. the likes of Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe. Perhaps Raymond Chandler summed it up best in his description of Dashiell Hammett’s style: “Hammett gave murder back to the kind of people that commit it... He put these people down on paper as they were, and he made them talk and think in the language they customarily used for these purposes.” Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories is the largest and most comprehensive collection of its kind, with over half of the stories...
This volume is the nineteenth annual collection of the best stories from Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. Every year since the anthology’s inception, it has been acknowledged No. 1 in its field, and this current one is no exception. The stories here range from pure detection to suspense, horror and psychological grue. Regardless of the reader’s taste, he will find a fulfilling and diverting repast offered by these writers: John D. MacDonald, James M. Ullman, L. E. Behney, Michael Gilbert, George Sumner Albee, Helen Nielsen, Roy Vickers, Borden Deal, Fletcher Flora, Avram Davidson, William O’Farrell, Norman Daniels, Hugh Pentecost, Victor Canning, Helen McCloy, John Reese, Holly Roth, Edward...
ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S HOW-TO-DO-IT BOOK Including: • How to solve your marital problems —(poison) • How to dress properly when admitting to first degree murder —(black tie) • How to take off a few pounds fast —(a knife) • How to ruin a perfect friendship —(a homemade bomb) And many, many other helpful hints from such specialists as: EVAN HUNTER, JOHN CORTEZ, RAY BRADBURY, RICHARD STARK, RICHARD MATHESON, HELEN NIELSON, DONALD WESTLAKE, RICHARD DEMING, JACK RITCHIE, JONATHAN CRAIG, C. B. GILFORD, JAY STREET, ROBERT ARTHUR, FLETCHER FLORA, CHARLES EINSTEIN
Коллекция детективных рассказов, опубликованных в газете «Совершенно СЕКРЕТНО» с декабря 1997 года по декабрь 2012 года включительно.
Casey Morrow, un giovane intento ad annegare nel whisky i suoi dispiaceri, viene abbordato nel bar da una bella sconosciuta che gli chiede di sposarla offrendogli in compenso una cospicua somma. L’indomani Casey si sveglia con la sensazione di aver sognato, ma i cinquemila dollari che si trova in tasca gli dicono che il ricordo è reale. E su un quotidiano trova una notizia sensazionale: “Finanziere ucciso! Ereditiera scomparsa!”, con una foto dell’ereditiera in prima pagina: è proprio la ragazza del bar!