Викторианский Лондон, наполненный шипением паровых двигателей. Небо, затянутое смогом, в котором парят дирижабли, и улицы, наводненные безлошадными кэбами. Лондон, в котором исчезают и погибают девушки из высшего общества, а единственная зацепка – механический скарабей. Такую загадку могут разрешить лишь Мина Холмс, племянница знаменитого сыщика, активно практикующая дедуктивный метод дяди, и Эвалайн Стокер, охотница на вампиров, сестра начинающего писателя Брэма Стокера. Кто стоит за этими преступлениями? Под руководством Айрин Адлер девушкам предстоит поступить на тайную службу Короне и угодить в самое опасное приключение в своей жизни.
In the tradition of Clive Cussler comes the first novel in an exciting new series of thrilling adventure, high-stakes international threats, and lost treasures… Moscow, 1560: A lost Byzantine library… last seen in the possession of Russia's Ivan the Terrible… Siberia, 1942: A World War II female fighter pilot crashes in the mountains of Siberia and is taken away by a small, mysterious tribe… United States, 2007: Four simultaneous earthquakes erupt across the United States in areas without fault lines… Marina Alexander lives for adventure. She pilots small planes in order to participate in search and rescue missions with her dog, deep in the most dangerous...
Виктория Гарделла-Грантворт была венатором — охотницей за вампирами из старинного рода. Ей предстояло не только оправдать надежды матери на удачное замужество, но и выслеживать вампиров, скрывающихся в тени лондонского высшего света.
В новой антологии собраны двадцать пять романтических историй, в центре внимания которых самые загадочные из мистических персонажей — вампиры. Эти кровососы на протяжении столетий будоражат воображение поклонников сверхъестественного. Однако с некоторых пор амплуа кровожадного убийцы, которого не стоит приглашать в приличные дома, изменилось. Утонченные аристократы и вечно молодые, горячие любовники — такими вампиры чаще всего предстают в современных интерпретациях древнего образа. Тем не менее каждый читатель найдет в этом сборнике историю по своему вкусу: тут есть и готичный хоррор, и историческое фэнтези, и жутковатые городские легенды, и трепетные лавстори, и изощренная эротика. Свое...
Evaline Stoker and Mina Holmes never meant to get into the family business. But when you’re the sister of Bram and the niece of Sherlock, vampire hunting and mystery solving are in your blood. And when two society girls go missing, there’s no one more qualified to investigate. Now fierce Evaline and logical Mina must resolve their rivalry, navigate the advances of not just one but three mysterious gentlemen, and solve murder with only one clue: a strange Egyptian scarab. The stakes are high. If Stoker and Holmes don’t unravel why the belles of London society are in such danger, they’ll become the next victims.
Skilled in the seduction of men, both mortal and immortal, Narcise Moldavi is the greatest weapon in her twisted brother's war among the Dracule. Until she falls for Giordan Cale. Her first searing encounter with Giordan seals their fierce connection for their eternal lives. But Giordan's vow to help Narcise escape her brother's rule is followed by a betrayal more agonizing than sunlight. Wounded but determined, Narcise ensnares vampire hunter Chas Woodmore in her quest for revenge and to reclaim her life. He wants her, worships her, will kill for her. And the Dracule never forget a wrong— nor do they forgive.
Dimitri, also known as the Earl of Corvindale, should be delighted that the headstrong Maia Woodmore is getting married. His mortal ward and houseguest has annoyed—and bewitched—the Dracule nobleman too long, and denying his animal cravings grows more excruciating by the day. Miss Woodmore's family has a rather…complicated history with the immortals and she herself possesses a keen sensibility far beyond mere women's intuition. Marriage will give her safety, respectability and everything else a proper young lady could wish for. Everything, that is, except passion. In the looming battle between Dracule factions, all pretenses will shatter as Maia and Dimitri come together in an...
Voss, also known as Viscount Dewhurst, relishes the sensual pleasures immortality affords. A member of the Dracule—a cabal of powerful, secretive noblemen marked with a talisman that reveals their bartered souls—the mercenary Voss has remained carefully neutral…until Angelica. Angelica Woodmore possesses the Sight, an ability invaluable to both sides of a looming war among the Dracule. Her very scent envelops Voss in a scarlet fog of hunger—for her body and her blood. But he is utterly unprepared for the new desire that overcomes him—to protect her. Now Voss must battle his very nature to be with Angelica…but this vampire never backs down from a fight.
A previously unrelated incident from The Gardella Vampire Chronicles