Найдено: 47

Eternity Base


From the NY Times Bestselling author of the Dave Riley Green Beret series. Maverick federal employee Sammy Pintella, obsessed with uncovering the fate of her MIA father, makes a startling discovery while rifling through some inactive government files. A dozen, faded black and white photos seem to point to the existence of a secret US Military base built in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica during the height of the Cold War. Aided by Special Forces veteran Dave Riley, she heads for Antarctica. But they aren’t alone. Spies, North Koreans, and other shadowy forces are also en route, because deep inside Eternity Base is something people will go to extreme lengths to get: a cache...

Планета обезьян. Истории Запретной зоны (сборник)


Фильм 1968 года «Планета обезьян» вдохновлял целые поколения авторов. Теперь их элита подготовила эту антологию с шестнадцатью совершенно новыми историями, происходящими в мире оригинального фильма и сериала. Каждый исследователь постапокалиптического мира раскрывает перед читателями новую драму, даря свое уникальное видение первоисточника и безостановочный калейдоскоп событий.

The Omega Missile


A nuclear holocaust is just a button away — and someone’s about to push it. The secret — the ultimate weapon, a missile that carries no warhead, just a doomsday system that can will launch every nuclear device in the US arsenal. No overrides. No countermands. No stopping it. The terrorists — desperate men, driven over the edge by a government they feel betrayed them. They’ve taken over control of the Omega Missile, stated their demands, and are ready to push the button that will kill us all. The White House — stumped, scared, and running out of time, America’s top military advisors suggest blasting to kingdom come, even though their bomb will level the entire...

Зона 51: Носферату


ВСИЧКО ЗАПОЧВА В ЗОРАТА НА ЧОВЕШКАТА ИСТОРИЯ, В ЕДНА МРАЧНА ЕГИПЕТСКА ГРОБНИЦА. В продължение на четири хиляди години — далеч преди човечеството да бъде въвлечено в космическа битка за своето оцеляване — четири създания, пред които дори и смъртта е безсилна, посяват семената на хаоса и разрушението. Хранейки се с кръвта на нещастните жертви от древна Спарта до зловещите нацистки концлагери — тези мрачни създания играят ключова роля във всички важни исторически момента на Земята. Свързани с общото си минало, но разделени от злокобните си амбиции, въоръжени с най-модерните оръжия, които може да предостави човешката мисъл, те осъзнават, че е ударил техният час. Призовани са от своя...

Зона 51: Легендата


ОТ СОЛОМОНОВИЯ ХРАМ ДО МЪГЛИТЕ НА АВАЛОН — ТЕ СА БИЛИ НАВСЯКЪДЕ! А СЕГА СА ЕДИНСТВЕНАТА НИ НАДЕЖДА… Родени на планета в спиралното рамо на нашата галактика, след една кървава революция те се превърнали в „богоубийци“ — човеци, въстанали срещу тиранията на аирлианците, които ги отглеждали, за да ги пратят в нескончаема галактическа война. Но сега Дончадах и Гуалкмай летят към планетата Земя, където аирлианците са изградили своя база на остров, наречен Атлантида. За мъжа и жената, изгубили всичко на родната си планета, това е пътят на истината. Предстои им да кръстосват епохи и страни — от египетските парамиди във времето на фараоните през улиците на Древния Рим до земята на...

Eyes of the Hammer


From NY Times Bestselling Author, Amazon top 25 Author, former Green Beret and West Point Graduate, Bob Mayer. What if US Army Green Berets led by Dave Riley must take on not only criminal drug traffickers but also betray their own government? A US Army Special Forces team carrying sterilized weapons and unmarked uniforms is on its way to Colombia. The mission: conduct covert, unilateral raids to destroy cocaine processing laboratories. Of course nothing is as it seems especially once the CIA gets involved. Throw in an Israeli mercenary, betrayal and double-dealing in Washington and the team soon finds itself wondering what the real mission is. First published...

Omega Sanction


The most frightening weapon ever invented can be unleashed by a single person. And now, they have chosen her. On the border between Croatia and Bosnia, a killer practices his art on UN Peacekeeping troops, leaving handless bodies on display on crosses. In a trailer near Fort Bragg, a hitman targets a computer genius who has uncovered information more explosive than he could ever guess. And in an ancient, abandoned castle in Germany, a teenage girl is plunged into living hell — one that will take her into the heart of a murderous Middle Eastern plot. The only mistake the bad guy’s make, is not taking into account her father is Special Forces. Now only one Special Forces operative can stop...

The Rift


Book 3 in the Nightstalkers series. Ever since the first Rift opened in Area 51 in 1947, exposing the world to deadly beings of pure energy, only the Nightstalkers have stood between humanity and complete annihilation. But as the decades have gone by, whatever power controls the Rifts seems to be getting smarter, as if refining an ultimate plan… An old ally alerts the Nightstalkers to a resurgence of Rifts in Tennessee, near one of the team’s first major skirmishes with the seemingly inexhaustible threat. Though still licking their wounds from their latest mission, the Nightstalkers know there’s no one else remotely prepared to battle these intrusions into our world. And this time,...

Bodyguard of Lies


“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” — Winston Churchill Who polices the world of covert operations? Enter the Cellar, the most secret spy organization hiding deep within the United States. Two women become inextricably involved in a dangerous web of lies, intrigue, and betrayal as they fight for their lives and the safety of their country. Neeley is the lover and protégé of Gant, a Cellar operative, and is trying to pick up the pieces of her life after Gant's death and unveil a mystery that Gant always held close to his chest. Hannah, a housewife, is equally lost after her husband simply disappears. They soon learn...

Lost Girls


Who polices the world of covert operations? Enter the Cellar, the most secret spy organization hiding deep within the United States. Deep in the forests of Kentucky, a girl is held captive. In Oklahoma, a young preschool teacher is murdered in front of her students. In the Panhandle of Florida, a college undergrad is kidnapped from a nightclub. These seemingly unrelated crimes catch the eye of the Cellar, the ultrasecret cell of operatives set up to police all other government agencies. Cellar operatives Gant and Neeley, along with profiler Susan Golden, must track down those responsible. But these are not ordinary criminals. They are a highly trained Special Forces sniper...