Halloween, a time for laughing children in white bedsheets and superhero costumes. A time for chocolate candy, and pumpkins, and Trick-or-Treat. A time for dark things everything to slink out of the shadows and into our lives, reminding those unlucky few that our charades of Halloween cannot erase the centuries of history and pain behind the facade... What October Brings celebrates the dark traditions of the autumn rituals, of Halloween and Samhain, in homage to the uniquely fascinating fiction of HP Lovecraft. Masters of the short story offer you a "once in a lifetime" Trick-or-Treat experience... ...perhaps your last experience! The commissioned cover is by acclaimed Italian...
Plant yourself under the covers and get ready for Seeds of Fear, fifth in the ground- breaking Hot Blood erotic horror anthology series. Pinup queen Brinke Stevens delivers the Introduction, and 19 original stories cultivated by editors Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett follow. Terror and titillation reach full, florid bloom as Bentley Little invites you to “See Marilyn Monroe’s Panties!” Ronald Kelly introduces a “Scream Queen” you won’t soon forget, Edward Lee follows his Stoker-nominated “Mr. Torso” (HB4) with “Grub-Girl” and award-winning author P. D. Cacek (Stoker, World Fantasy) welcomes her “Devil With a Blue Dress.” These top-name horror writers bring you the freshest works...
In Hotter Blood, sex and horror are coupled to an ecstatic effect. This is the second in the provocative anthology series that defined a genre and spanned a generation. Grant Morrison’s Bram Stoker- nominated “The Braille Encyclopedia” spearheads a collection of 24 original stories, with additional contributions from horror stars like Richard Laymon and Nancy Collins, comic book talents Kurt Busiek and John Byrne, and superstar horror director Mick Garris. Explore the dark side of having your lover in “The Tub” with you, find out when “Confession” isn’t good for the soul, and feed your hunger for erotic horror with this delectable collection… Cemetery Dance called Hotter Blood...