Peter Higgins’s superb and original creation, a perfect melding of fantasy, myth, SF and political thriller, reaches its extraordinary conclusion. The Vlast stands two hundred feet tall, four thousand tons of steel ready to be flung upwards on the fire of atom bombs. Ready to take the dream of President-Commander of the New Vlast General, Osip Rizhin, beyond the bounds of this world. But not everyone shares this vision. Vissarion Lom and Maroussia Shaumian have not reached the end of their story, and in Mirgorod a woman in a shabby dress carefully unwraps a sniper rifle. And all the while the Pollandore dreams its own dreams.
Investigator Lom returns to Mirgorod and finds the city in the throes of a crisis. The war against the Archipelago is not going well. Enemy divisions are massing outside the city, air raids are a daily occurrence and the citizens are being conscripted into the desperate defense of the city. But Lom has other concerns. The police are after him, the mystery of the otherworldly Pollandore remains and the vast Angel is moving, turning all of nature against the city. But will the horrors of war overtake all their plans?
Investigator Vissarion Lom has been summoned to the capital in order to catch a terrorist — and ordered to report directly to the head of the secret police. A totalitarian state, worn down by an endless war, must be seen to crush home-grown insurgents with an iron fist. But Lom discovers Mirgorod to be more corrupted than he imagined: a murky world of secret police and revolutionaries, cabaret clubs and doomed artists. Lom has been chosen because he is an outsider, not involved in the struggle for power within the party. And because of the sliver of angel stone implanted in his head. Review “Sentient water, censored artists, mechanical constructs, old-fashioned...
Геннадий ПРАШКЕВИЧ. ДРУГАЯ ИСТОРИЯ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ Вот такая у них мораль на Марсе… Раджнар ВАДЖРА. ДОКТОР ДЛЯ ЧУЖАКОВ Исправить аномалию довольно трудно, даже когда вам известны грани нормального. А если не известны? Ольга АРТАМОНОВА. ИДЕАЛЬНАЯ СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬ На склоне лет узнаешь, что когда-то лишь на минутку разминулся со своим счастьем. Сергей СИИЯКИН. ОСНОВНОЙ ВОПРОС Думал ли герой, что выпадет ему по воле Вселенной лететь неведомо куда… Колин ДЭВИС. В ПОЛНОЙ УВЕРЕННОСТИ И вновь все тот же вечный вопрос: кто они — люди или «машины»? Питер ХИГГИНС. ПЕСНИ СУБМАРИН Они, словно сирены, зовут в глубь океана. Слышать их — редкий,...