Найдено: 8

The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh


While Verity Fitzroy loses herself in magical mechanizations and fantastical science of London, she harbours secrets of the death of her parents, of a mystery she can't leave alone, and of her power over machinery that both excites and terrifies her. Verity is part of the Ministry Seven, street orphans that work for Agent Harrison Thorne of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. Under his guidance, a whole new adventure begins for them all, investigating the strange, the unusual, and the bizarre. When an Egyptologist from the British Museum is kidnapped, the only clue leads to the Delancy Academy, an elite school for gifted, young scientists. Now the Seven are called upon to go where...

The Mystery of Emerald Flame


After her brush with the Silver Pharaoh, Verity Fitzroy and the children of the Ministry Seven retreat to London to recover, but adventure always seems to have a way of finding them. With her Uncle Octavius still somewhere out there, Verity is sure the terrifying disappearance of children in the fogs of the capital cannot be a coincidence. The ancient mystery of the Emerald Flame is on the verge of being solved, which will mean an end to life and death as the world has known it. The race is on to find it first, and the winner will hold the fate of the future in their hands. Verity and the Ministry Seven must embrace dark conspiracies, dare mysterious organisations, and question all that...

Steampunk World


Steampunk is fascinating. There’s something compelling about the shine of clicking brass clockwork and hiss of steam-driven automatons. But until recently, there was something missing. It was easy to find excellent stories of American and British citizens… but we rarely got to see steampunk from the point of view of the rest of the world. Steampunk World is a showcase for nineteen authors to flip the levers and start the pistons and invite you to experience the entirety of steampunk. Edited by Sarah Hans, this anthology’s nineteen authors bring us the very best steampunk stories from around the world. The full list of the award-winning authors – including the introduction’s author,...



The Deacons of the Order are all that stand between the wicked spirits of the Otherside and the innocent citizens of the Empire. They are sworn to protect humanity, even when they cannot protect themselves… After the Razing of the Order, Sorcha Faris, one of the most powerful Deacons, is struggling to regain control of the runes she once wielded. The Deacons are needed more desperately than ever. The barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead is weakening, and the Emperor has abandoned his throne, seeking to destroy those he feels have betrayed him. Though she is haunted by the terrible truth of her past, Sorcha must lead the charge against the gathering...



In the Empire of Arkaym, the Order of Deacons protects and shelters the citizens from the attacks of the unliving. All are sworn to fight the evil forces of the geists — and to keep the world safe from the power of the Otherside... Although she is one of the most powerful Deacons in the Order, Sorcha Faris is still unable to move or speak after her last battle. Even her partner, Merrick Chambers, cannot reach her through their shared Bond. Yet there are those who still fear Sorcha and the mystery of her hidden past. Meanwhile, Merrick has been asked to investigate a new member of the Emperor's Court. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking Raed Rossin, the shapeshifting rival...

Министерство особых происшествий


Лондон, XIX век. Таинственные происшествия — юрисдик­ция засекреченного Министерства, которое умудряется вывести из тени... его лучший агент! Для Элизы Д. Браун, у которой в крови погони, перестрелки и взрывы, перевод в Архив, под, начало скромного и нерешительного Букса, смерти подобен. Но умница Веллингтон Букс примет ее сторону! Наконец-то у злого гения доктора Хавелока появит­ся достойный противник. Напарникам не усидеть за бумажной работой, когда на набережной Темзы находят изуродованные трупы, а деятельность одного тайного общества несет угрозу для всей Англии. Но в распоряже­нии их врага — механическая армия, и открытое противо­стояние обречет миссию на провал. Удастся ли мистеру и...



Though one of the most powerful Deacons, Sorcha Faris has a tarnished reputation to overcome, which is why she jumps at the chance to investigate a string of murders in the exotic city of Orithal. But it is there that her lover, the shapeshifting rival to the throne, is targeted by a cruel and vengeful goddess, unwittingly unleashed by the Emperor's sister.



Between the living and the dead is the Order of the Deacons, protectors of the Empire, guardians against possession, sentinels enlisted to ward off the malevolent haunting of the geists... Among the most powerful of the Order is Sorcha, now thrust into partnership with the novice Deacon, Merrick Chambers. They have been dispatched to the isolated village of Ulrich to aide the Priory with a surge of violent geist activity. With them is Raed Rossin, Pretender to the throne that Sorcha is sworn to protect, and bearer of a terrible curse. But what greets them in the strange settlement is something far more predatory and more horrifying than any mere haunting. And as she uncovers a...