“An exotic blend of Roman and Hindu lore that weaves a curious and convincing tale melding otherworidliness and dire reality,” —Publishers Weekly REMEMBER YOU ARE ROMAN The tribune Quintus was once a man of honor. But when Rome’s might is crushed at the battle of Carrhae, Quintus can only watch with honor and hope gone as Rome's Eagles — the golden standards which every Roman believes houses the very essence of the gods - are dragged through the mud by the barbarian hordes. The Eagles will go East as bloody testimony to Rome’s humiliation. But even in Hell, there sometimes lies a path of redemption, Quintus will follow the Eagles and strive to somehow recapture the...
"Imperial Lady, although it is a work of fantasy, is based on an historical incident that has become one of the most beloved of Chinese tales and has served as the inspiration for countless poems and stories: the life of Chao Chun, the concubine who became, first, a princess of the Han dynasty, and, second, the queen of the shan-yu of the Hsiung-nu, the fierce, nomadic people who are, to a great extent, the ancestors of the Huns and Mongols".
В настоящий сборник включены произведения американских писателей-фантастов новой волны. Некоторые из этих рассказов удостоены высших литературных премий США. Широкий жанровый диапазон предлагаемых произведений — от сайенс-фикшн до фэнтэзи — способен удовлетворить вкусы самых взыскательных любителей фантастики. Все рассказы написаны и опубликованы на языке оригиналов в конце 80-х, начале 90-х годов — на русском языке публикуются впервые.
В настоящий сборник включены произведения американских писателей-фантастов новой волны. Некоторые из этих рассказов удостоены высших литературных премий США. Широкий жанровый диапазон предлагаемых произведений — от сайенс-фикшн до фэнтэзи — способен удовлетворить вкусы самых взыскательных любителей фантастики. Все рассказы написаны и опубликованы на языке оригиналов в конце 80-х, начале 90-х годов — на русском языке публикуются впервые. Содержание: Сьюзен Шварц. Призраки шелковых путей (рассказ, перевод А. Шабрина), стр. 3-21 Мелани Тэм. Абигейл (Сидящая с кучером) (рассказ, перевод А. Ройтмана), стр. 22-39 Брэд Стрикленд. Похититель детей (рассказ, перевод М. Дьячка), стр....
Explore fascinating, often chilling “what if” accounts of the world that could have existed–and still might yet…Science fiction’s most illustrious and visionary authors hold forth the ultimate alternate history collection. Here you’ll experience mind-bending tales that challenge your views of the past, present, and future, including: • “The Lucky Strike”: When The Lucky Strike is chosen over The Enola Gay to drop the first atomic bomb, fate takes an unexpected turn in Kim Stanley Robinson’s gripping tale. • “Bring the Jubilee”: Ward Moore’s novella masterpiece offers a rebel victory at Gettysburg which changes the course of the Civil War… and all of American history. • “Through...
In Lammas Night a young weaver of spells is persuaded to bide a while in a small village, to make their village spells and keep the Dark at bay. As part of their persuasion, the villagers have given her the house of her predecessor. Not knowing that his spirit lingers there, she unwittingly breaks the spell that laid him. Now, a half-seen phantom courts her. He is either her lover for all time, the only she will ever know- or a wicked spirits' seeming, the aim of which is to entrap her in a fate unspeakable. Will she call him to her or banish him forever? Now is the time of choosing, the Witching on Lammas Night. Magic Dark and Light are in perfect balance. She begins the casting of her...
For seven decades, L. Sprague de Camp was a giant in both science fiction and fantasy, renowned for his fast-moving action-adventure tales with a strong humorous element. Now, Hugo-winner and best-selling author Harry Turtledove has gathered together top writers in SF and fantasy to write stories in the same humorous adventure vein which de Camp practically invented. On board are Poul Anderson, Frederik Pohl, David Drake, Judith Tarr, Esther M. Friesner, S.M. Stirling, Michael F. Flynn, Turtledove himself and more.
Napoleon is in New Orleans in William Sanders's «Empire»; the German Empire thrives in 1929 in Harry Turtledove's "Uncle Alf"; Pancho Villa's about to become the vice-president in S.M. Stirling and Richard Foss's «Compadres»; and General Patton gets a new diary in Roland J. Green's "George Patton Slept Here." In Alternate Generals II, a collection of 13 wild speculations for those who enjoy specifically military alternative histories, Harry Turtledove (Colonization: Aftershocks) also gathers stories from the likes of Chris Bunch, Michael F. Flynn and Susan Shwartz.
Дочь опального вельможи, полководца, проигравшего сражение, удостаивается великой чести — быть принятой в гарем самого императора. Вместе с ней отправляется верная служанка, оборотень-лисица, обладающая магическими способностями… Отважная красавица и дворцовые интриги, дикие кочевники и коварная колдунья, прекрасный, удивительный и временами пугающий мир Древнего Китая на страницах книги блистательной Андрэ Нортон.