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In the Wolf's Mouth


A new novel by the author Julian Barnes called “one of the best British writers to emerge in the last decade”. Set in North Africa and Sicily at the end of World War II, In the Wolf’s Mouth follows the Allies’ botched “liberation” attempts as they chased the Nazis north toward the Italian mainland. Focusing on the experiences of two young soldiers — Will Walker, an English field security officer, ambitious to master and shape events; and Ray Marfione, a wide-eyed Italian American infantryman — the novel contains some of the best battle writing of the past fifty years. Eloquent on the brutish, blundering inaccuracy of war, the immediacy of Adam Foulds’s prose is uncanny and...

Ускоряющийся лабиринт


Главный герой книги — английский поэт XIX века Джон Клэр, крестьянин, поразивший лондонские литературные круги своим дарованием, но проведший годы в приюте для умалишенных. В конце XX века Клэра фактически открыли заново. Роман в 2009 году попал в шорт-лист международной Букеровской премии.

The O. Henry Prize Stories 2011


The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2011 contains twenty unforgettable stories selected from hundreds of literary magazines. The winning tales take place in such far-flung locales as Madagascar, Nantucket, a Midwestern meth lab, Antarctica, and a post-apocalyptic England, and feature a fascinating array of characters: aging jazzmen, avalanche researchers, a South African wild child, and a mute actor in silent films. Also included are essays from the eminent jurors on their favorite stories, observations from the winners on what inspired them, and an extensive resource list of magazines.