Бейкер Линда П.

Linda P. Baker

Linda P. Baker has been creating stories in her head for all of her life. Her sisters say that, even as a small child, Linda preferred sitting in the corner with paper and pencil to playing.
Linda is the author of "The Irda" and "Tears of the Night Sky", with Nancy Varian Berberick, both set in the Dragonlance universe. She also has short stories-fantasy, science fiction, and horror-in more than a dozen anthologies.
Linda currently has several novels in various stages of completion and reams of research for even more gathering dust. At her day job, she's a researcher, freelance photographer, and a copywriter specializing in research papers, websites, and brochures.
Linda enjoys life (but not the humidity) on the Gulf Coast with her husband, Larry, and their Airedale Terriers, Guinness and Sadie.