Найдено: 8

Doctor Who: Tales of Trenzalore


As it had been foretold, the armies of the Universe gathered at Trenzalore. Only one thing stood between the planet and destruction – the Doctor. For nine hundred years, he defended the planet, and the tiny town of Christmas, against the forces that would destroy it. He never knew how long he could keep the peace. He never knew what creatures would emerge from the snowy night to threaten him next. He knew only that at the end he would die on Trenzalore. Some of what happened during those terrible years is well documented. But most of it remains shrouded in mystery and darkness. Until now. This is a glimpse of just some of the terrors the people faced, the monstrous threats the...

Doctor Who: Hunter's Moon


'There's no end to the horror in this place - it's like Hell, and there are devils round every corner.' On Leisure Platform 9 gamblers and villains mix with socialites and celebrities. It's a place where you won't want to win the wrong game. With Rory kidnapped by a brutal crime lord, the Doctor and Amy infiltrate a deadly contest where fugitives become the hunted. But how long before they realise the Doctor isn't a vicious mercenary and discover what Amy is up to? It's a game that can only end in death, and time for everyone is running out.

Сказания Трензалора


Как и было предсказано, армии всей Вселенной собрались у Трензалора. Лишь одно стояло между планетой и ее уничтожением – Доктор. Лишь одно стояло между Доктором и новой Великой Войной Времени – его имя. В течение девятисот лет он защищал Трензалор и крошечный городок Рождество от войск, готовых его уничтожить. Но большая их часть оставалась покрыта тайной и мраком. До этого момента… По мотивам культового британского сериала BBC «Доктор Кто».

Dark North

Shadows over Baker Street


Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes is among the most famous literary figures of all time. For more than a hundred years, his adventures have stood as imperishable monuments to the ability of human reason to penetrate every mystery, solve every puzzle, and punish every crime. For nearly as long, the macabre tales of H. P. Lovecraft have haunted readers with their nightmarish glimpses into realms of cosmic chaos and undying evil. But what would happen if Conan Doyle’s peerless detective and his allies were to find themselves faced with mysteries whose solutions lay not only beyond the grasp of logic, but of sanity itself. In this collection of all-new, all-original tales, twenty...


Зомби Апокалипсис


Англия, день завтрашний. Страна в глубоком экономическом и моральном упадке; близится катастрофа. Новый Фестиваль Британии — беспомощная попытка поднять дух нации, все равно что пир во время чумы или оргия на пожаре. В Южном Лондоне специально под грандиозное действо расчищается площадка, сносится церковное кладбище. Из разрытых могил выбирается средневековый «зомби-вирус», называемый в просторечии «погибелью». Вот уже первые его жертвы, обезумев от голода, на кровавых зубах и ногтях понесли заразу дальше. И даже в смерти человек больше не находит упокоения — вирус обладает сверхъестественной способностью поднимать на ноги мертвых… Среди авторов антологии произведения признанных...



When King Edward I of England built Grogen Castle in Wales, he proclaimed it the strongest fortress in the British Isles; impregnable to assault, armed with devices so fiendish that would-be attackers would die in multitutdes. But the Welsh have had enough of English tyranny. Armed with druidic magic and an ancient, mystical artefact, they summon an army to their banner even the most supersitious of Edward's soldiers could never have imagined. Soon, Grogen Castle finds itself beseiged by forces forged from splintered bone and rotten flesh. Just how long can this Stronghold hold out against the zombie horde?